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Wednesday, April 29, 2009

Get To Know About Ectopic Pregnancy

Get To Know About Ectopic PregnancyBy []Apurva Shree
Ectopic Pregnancy is commonly known as tubular pregnancy. The word 'Ectopic' stands for body part found in an unusual position. As a woman it is important for you to know about it because it is difficult to detect. Know more about it here.
What Happens In An Ectopic Pregnancy?
Normally a fertilized egg implants itself inside the womb (uterus). It attaches itself to tissues other than the lining of the womb. The most common occurrence is in the fallopian tube. It can also happen in the cervix, or in any organ in the pelvic region. In the initial stages the woman experiences only the normal early symptoms. But when the egg grows bigger you start experiencing the other various symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms?
You must know that the fetus can be nurtured only in the womb. Therefore in most cases, the body rejects this abnormal pregnancy by spontaneous miscarriage. When this does not happen, medical intervention is required. Check out for any sign of ectopic pregnancy.
Abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms. This pain can be constant and severe and its onset, sudden. This happens when the egg grows in size.Shoulder pain, which intensifies while breathing is an alternative symptom.Pain during visits to the bathroom.Vaginal bleeding different from normal periods.Diarrhea, paleness, lightheadedness, collapsing.Increasing pulse rate, falling blood pressure.
If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, rush to your doctor for immediate help. Your doctor will confirm it through internal examination or an ultrasound.
What Are The Reasons?
As explained earlier, the fertilized egg implants itself outside the womb and starts developing there. If it occurs in the fallopian tubes, it can cause bursting or damage of the tubes. Bursting of the tube is a life-threatening situation. Risk of such pregnancy increases with following factors.
Already damaged fallopian tube(s) due infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease or by previous surgery, scar tissue.Previous ectopic pregnancies.Getting pregnant when on contraceptive-coil or certain types of contraceptive pill. Pregnancies through test tube methods. Even though fertilized egg is placed directly in the uterus it can attach itself elsewhere.
What Are The Treatments?
If you are lucky with a natural miscarriage, that is great. If you are not so, medication and or surgical intervention are the only solutions. With present day technologies, it is much easier to detect and treat this condition. However methods are not available to transplant the egg from the wrong position to the uterus. The doctor can only get rid of the wrongly positioned egg from your body.
We advise you to do your homework too. Read and understand more on all issues related, to avoid panic. It is more beneficial if you do this as you plan for pregnancy.
An abnormal pregnancy period like this followed by surgical intervention can be devastating for a mother-to-be. But the reassuring fact is that most women go on to have normal pregnancies when they attempt later. It is advisable to give a gap of few cycles before getting pregnant again. Let it not happen to you. But be prepared if you find yourself with an ectopic pregnancy. []Ectopic pregnancy is a big risk to your life. On getting pregnant look out for the symptoms of early []pregnancy. Be knowledgeable about the []signs of ectopic pregnancy. If you fear that you have an ectopic pregnancy, consult a doctor at once.
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Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy Weight

Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy Weight
By []Gerry Restrivera

Losing weight is sometimes the hardest battle for most women especially those who went through pregnancy. We are in the society that looks definitely matters and women feel bad about their appearance if they have weight issues. If you are dealing with weight issues after giving birth, there are things that you can do to lose your pregnancy weight and feel good about yourself.

Getting rid of excess weight after pregnancy is a big challenge if you do not know what to do. Here are some tips to lose your pregnancy weight:

Get your doctor's advice. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight, you must first consult your doctor to make sure you are on the best health and it is safe for you to engage in whatever weight loss program and regimens you want to take. Your body went through a lot of changes during pregnancy and giving birth so make sure that you are already healed before trying to lose your pregnancy weight.

Self discipline and commitment. If you are not committed and do not have self discipline, losing weight could be really difficult. There are those who failed to return to their pre-pregnancy weight because they lack commitment and dedication on their goals. Their babies are already walking and yet they still have the fat bellies and love handles they acquired during pregnancy. If you are not successful losing weight after six months of giving birth, you might face a problem of being obese. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight, stay committed and practice discipline.

Give careful attention to your diet. Eat healthy foods, cut down on calories and avoid fast foods and junk foods. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meat like lean cuts of beef and chicken. Do not indulge in large meals, just eat what you need and stop when you are already full. You can also ask advice from nutrition experts on what is the best diet plan for you. Diet plays a very important role about your weight and you have to watch what you eat to lose your pregnancy weight.

Get active. You also have to get active and start to exercise to lose your pregnancy weight. You can start with light physical activities to keep you active and help you burn fats. Always know your limitations and listen to your body. Do not push yourself too hard and do not engage on physical activities that will make you feel tired and exhausted. Light exercises, walking, swimming and yoga are some activities that will keep you active.

Give yourself time. You need patience if you want to lose your pregnancy weight. There are people who get impatient and start to have negative attitude that nothing is going to happen with their effort in losing weight. Hey, it took nine months for you to get that excess pounds due to pregnancy and of course it will also take time to get rid of it so do not get discouraged if you are losing weight slowly. Continue and stay on the course of losing weight and you will get back in shape again.

Getting back in shape after giving birth could be really challenging but it is not impossible. You will feel good and healthier if you will lose your pregnancy weight. If you still find it hard to succeed in losing weight, discover the step-by-step guide to get back into your pre-pregnancy weight visit []Slim Mom Secrets

To know more about women visit []All About Women

Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy Weight. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.

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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Pregnancy And What To Expect

There are no two pregnancies that are alike so, while it is difficult to say exactly how each will progress, there are certain factors that are common among all women going through pregnancy. Quite often, early symptoms of pregnancy will appear and prompt the soon-to-be mom to purchase a home pregnancy test. These can be found at virtually every retail and/or grocery store. It is important to remember that pregnancy tests, while designed to be accurate, are sometimes wrong. Regardless of the result, it is recommended that women experiencing pregnancy symptoms should schedule an appointment with a health care professional who will accurately test for pregnancy.
Among the pregnancy symptoms that most women experience are heightened sensitivity to certain smells and/or food, exhaustion, recurring morning sickness and mood swings. During the entire pregnancy, it is very important that the woman participate in a healthy lifestyle. Among other things, this would include not smoking or being near secondhand smoke, avoid drinking alcohol, etc. In addition, the mom-to-be should drink plenty of milk and eat healthy foods. This will help to promote good development for the child and will be a healthy start for him/her.
Once a woman is confirmed with pregnancy, the next step is shopping for maternity clothes. There is generally a maternity section of every store, but many women simply wear oversized shirts and comfortable elastic waist pants. Preparing for a new baby will include shopping for nursery items, including a rocking chair, bassinet, baby blankets, clothes and toys. If there are plans to convert any room in the house into a nursery, it’s best to start early. It’s also very important that the mom-to-be not be near any paint or harmful products that may cause her, or her unborn child, any problems.

During the nine months of pregnancy, women will go through a lot of changes - both physically and mentally. Mood swings will become more intense and there may be frequent trips to the bathroom as the pregnancy progresses and the growing child begins to press more heavily on the bladder. After the baby is born, the woman will likely have a desire to lose her pregnancy weight. Immediately following birth, it may be a good idea to rest before starting on any exercise program. A licensed medical doctor will be able to prescribe a timeline for such things as physical activity, which will greatly be determined by the mom’s overall health.

This article is to be used for informational purposes only. It is not designed to be used in conjunction with, or in place of, professional medical advice. Any woman who believes she may be experiencing pregnancy symptoms, or has reason to believe that she may be pregnant, should consult a licensed medical physician for proper testing and determination.

What To Expect From A Twin Pregnancy: ABC’s Of Multiple Birth

Imagine wishing and trying for one baby and ending up with two! Statistics show that there has been an increase in twin pregnancy the past few years and this short guide should answer any questions you have to giving birth to multiples!

How do twins begin?There are two kinds of twins: identical twins and fraternal twins. In the case of identical twins, the egg is fertilized and then splits into two cells. Each cell carries identical DNA and so both children will look exactly the same with only slight differences such as height or birthmarks. Fraternal twins are not identical. Instead of having one egg that splits into two, there are two eggs that are fertilized by two different sperm at the same time so they could be of two different sexes with different physical characteristics.

Early signs of twin pregnancyAn early sign of twin pregnancy is excessive morning sickness and extreme fatigue. Morning sickness is common with all pregnant mothers but those who are giving birth to multiples tend to experience more morning sickness than usual. Exhaustion is another early sign of twin pregnancy. Again, it is not uncommon for pregnant women to be more tired than usual but those who are having twins tend to undergo enhanced exhaustion. Twins are hereditary and so if you are feeling excessively tired, are often nauseous and twins run in your family, you very well could be giving birth to multiples!

Twin pregnancy factsWith twins, you’ll have to prepare for double the trouble! This means you will probably be gaining more weight than with a single pregnancy. Due to this extra weight, a pregnancy with twins can often be more uncomfortable – severe exhaustion, stronger backaches and headaches, etc. So get plenty of sleep and rest. Try a pregnancy massage, a great stress reliever to those giving birth to multiples. Also be prepared for a possible c-section, as with multiples this is the more common way of giving birth. Because a twin pregnancy is considered a high risk pregnancy, you will probably need to consult your obstetrician more often than if you were having a regular pregnancy. Do not be fazed as this is quite common with twins.
Having a twin pregnancy is most certainly a mixed blessing. Whilst having two children is an amazing experience, the pregnancy itself can be tough so make sure to take care of yourself.