Monday, November 22, 2010
8 Common Diseases in Pregnancy You Should Know About
By Ashi Mittal
Pregnancy is one of the most beautiful phases in a woman's life being accompanied by many common pregnancy diseases or problems. Many women are unaware of these pregnancy diseases. A pregnant women, to start a family with her new baby, must be knowledgeable about some of the diseases in pregnancy.
Sometimes the problems are too minor ones but if they are not cured effectively then it could develop into a very major problem. These problems can affect the foetus as well as the mother to be. Therefore, if a women would love to have a healthy pregnancyClick Here!>, then they must have complete knowledge about the following common pregnancy diseases:
High Blood Pressure: Pregnancy with high blood pressure can develop at the time of pregnancy. During high blood pressure in pregnant women, the pressure of blood in the arteries is very high. Also a pregnant women diagnosed with high blood pressure during pregnancy tend to develop pre-eclampsia, which is a very serious problem as it affects the various body parts such as kidney, liver, blood vessels, etc. Thus, it is very much essential to prevent high blood pressure in pregnancy.
Gestational Diabetes: A gestational diabetes is a common pregnancy condition that can develop during pregnancy. During gestational diabetes, the mother to be has a large amount of sugar in her blood and it usually resolves after the birth of the baby. Thus one's a pregnant women had gestational diabetes; it's a good idea to have your blood sugar level tested at least once a year.
Itchy Skin: Itchy skin is also a very common problem at the time of pregnancy. A pregnant women can feel Itchiness particularly around her breasts and growing belly. The main causes of dry itchy skin during pregnancy are the hormones and the itchy skin. When a pregnant women's skin stretches out across her belly and becomes drier then she may fell some kind of itchiness. It is very necessary to skin care during pregnancy.
Fever: A fever usually arises during first trimester of pregnancy in the pregnant women's. A mild fever during early pregnancy can occur at any other time. However, a high fever during pregnancy can certainly prove harmful or can even lead to the fetal death.
Weight Gain: Weight gain during pregnancy is inevitable. It is important for pregnant women to gain a considerable amount of weight as it is generally considered as a sign of healthy pregnancy. This problem occurs because of increase in blood circulation in the body.
Swelling: Swelling is a most common pregnancy problemClick Here! that a women can experience at the time of pregnancy. Swelling can occur on face, hands, feet, etc. Swelling occurs due to the retention of extra amount of fluid during the period of pregnancy. When a pregnant women drinks less amount of fluids then the body will retain some of the fluids in order to meet its needs. There are every chances of swelling during pregnancy if the pregnant women continues to take less amount of fluid during pregnancy period.
Backache: Backache is a very common problem during pregnancy. When a women becomes pregnant then her body goes through a lot of change largely because of the production of variety of hormones and one of these hormones is known as relaxin. Relaxin causes the pelvis and ligaments to soften and to allow the baby out through the pelvis. Backache leads to soreness, stiffness and pain the back.
Cough and Cold: Cough and cold during pregnancyClick Here! is one of the most common problems that majority of the pregnant women suffer. One of the general reasons for this problem is the weakening of the immune system during the period of pregnancy. If the problem of cough is really serious then the pregnant must insure that her fetus is protected. This is because, if the pregnant women coughs hardly then there are chances of miscarriage.
Ashi is freelance writer loves to write about health issues,you can contact him on his blog
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Laparoscopic Management of Ectopic Pregnancy
By Sadhana Mishra
Ectopic pregnancy is one of the abnormal outcomes of pregnancy in 2% of pregnant woman and is defined as implantation of a fertilized egg outside the endometrial cavity. It remains a major cause of maternal morbidity and mortality when left untreated and accounts for as much as 9% of maternal death in this country. Quantitative measurements of the beta subunit of human chorionic gonadotropin (ß-hCG) and transvaginal ultrasonography have improved the accuracy of diagnosis and allow earlier detection of ectopic pregnancies.
History of the Procedure:
In modern medicine the ability to diagnose and treat ectopic pregnanciesClick Here! has significantly improved, thereby reducing the maternal risks. Recently Laparoscopy has revolutionized the way of dealing with the ectopic pregnancy says Prof. R.K. Mishra the recipient of Global Laparoscopic Trainer award of 2008 and Director of Laparoscopy Hospital, New Delhi.
Approximately 97.7% of all ectopic pregnancies occur in the fallopian tubes, and the others in the ovary, abdomen, or cervix. The ampullary pregnancy is the most common site of implantation (80%), followed by the isthmus (11%), fimbria (4%), cornua (2%), and interstitia (3%). Approximately 85% of ectopic pregnancies occur in multigravid women. In the United States, rates are nearly twice as high for women of other races compared with white women.
Common risk factors for ectopic pregnancy include tubal damage, smoking, and altered motility in the fallopian tube. Bad smoking habits in the new generation women is a risk factor in about one third of ectopic pregnancies and may contribute to decreased tubal motility by damage to the ciliated cells in the fallopian tubes. Altered tubal motility can also occur as the result of oral contraceptive. Progesterone only oral contraceptive and progesterone intrauterine devices have been associated with increased risk of an ectopic pregnancy.
Clinical Symptoms:
Ectopic pregnancy can be diagnosed by typical triad which includes bleeding and abdominal pain and a positive pregnancy test result. The clinical presentation can therefore be confusing, since symptoms overlap with miscarriage. One third of women have no clinical signs and 9% have no symptoms of ectopic pregnancyClick Here!. As a result, almost half of cases are not diagnosed at the first prenatal visit by their gynecologists.
On physical examination signs include lower abdominal tenderness with or without rebound and pelvic tenderness usually much worse on the affected side. Gynaecologists can find abdominal rigidity, involuntary guarding, and severe tenderness as well as evidence of hypovolemic shock with tachycardia, should alert the clinician to a surgical emergency; this may occur in up to 20% of cases. On per vaginal examination, the uterus may be slightly enlarged and soft, and uterine or cervical motion tenderness may suggest peritoneal inflammation.
Indications for surgery in ectopic pregnancy include women with the following criteria:
o Not suitable candidate for medical therapy
o Failed medical therapy
o Heterotopic pregnancy with a viable intrauterine pregnancy
o Hemodynamically unstable and need immediate treatment
Medical therapy:
While methotrexate has remained the most effective and popular drug used in medical therapy for an ectopic pregnancy, other protocols have been used, such as potassium chloride, hyperosmolar glucose, RU 486, and prostaglandins.
Surgical therapy:
Surgical therapy may be open laparotomy or via the laparoscopyClick Here!. According to Prof. R. K. Mishra all ectopic pregnancies requiring surgery should be treated laparoscopically. Risk factors for converting laparoscopy to laparotomy should be considered and include multiple prior surgeries, pelvic adhesions, skill of the surgeon and surgical staff, availability of the equipment, and condition of the patient. If the ectopic pregnancy is at the fimbria, then fimbrial evacuation is feasible, in the absence of indications for salpingectomy. Partial salpingectomy may be indicated if the pregnancy is in the mid portion of the tube, none of the indications for salpingectomy is present, and the patient may be a candidate for later tubal reanastomosis.
Laparoscopy Technique:
Desiccate the tube between the uterus and the ectopic pregnancy using bipolar cautery and compress and desiccate the tuboovarian artery, while preserving the uteroovarian artery and ligament. Cut along the desiccated path, closer to the specimen, leaving a pedicle for hemostasis. Infiltration of the mesosalpinx with vasopressin (20 IU in 50 mL of isotonic sodium chloride solution [ie, normal saline or NS]; some authors use only 10 IU in 50 mL of NS) to get transient ischemia and to avoid bleeding. Needle electrode, is used to make a 1- to 2-cm incision on the antimesenteric side of the tube. Aquadissector, under pressure can be used to dissects and dislodges the ectopic pregnancy and clots.
Laparoscopic []Treatment and []Training
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Ovarian Cysts and Pregnancy Link Exposed
By Mary Parker
Ovarian cysts and pregnancy occurring together can cause many women to feel extremely alarmed. It is worth remembering that cysts are common during pregnancy. Many pregnant women just have to come in terms with it and learn to live with both - ovarian cysts and pregnancy. It is difficult to feel relaxed when a woman is faced with pregnancy and ovarian cysts simultaneously. But a feeling of tension and stress, originating from worrying about it, will only do more harm than good for the expecting mother and the unborn child. As such it is advisable to stop worrying and seek treatment promptly. Pregnancy in itself is a demanding situation and the presence of ovarian cystsClick Here! only makes it more complicated. The need of the hour for a pregnant woman with ovarian cysts, therefore, is to expedite recovery by understanding the nature of the cysts and seeking proper treatment.
Complications of ovarian cysts
Ovarian cysts occurring during pregnancy can be either of benign or malignant. Benign cysts pose minimal threat during pregnancy and are often ignored. On the other hand, malignant ovarian cysts carry a lot of risk and pose a grave threat in the pregnancy stage. The first step, therefore, is to correctly determine the actual nature of the cysts that you have. It is mainly on the basis of the nature of the cysts, and the extent and severity of the condition, that the treatment plan will be determined. Although some cysts often get cured without any medical or surgical intervention, most other types need a proper treatment plan. It is critical to monitor the ovarian cysts carefully to avoid possible complications like ovarian cysts rupture during pregnancy. In spite of regular monitoring, complications can arise suddenly. Even if you have been diagnosed with benign cysts, take extra care during pregnancy and stay safe.
Let's face it, ovarian cysts and pregnancy are a potentially dangerous combination. It requires urgent medical attention and should not be ignored. Ovarian cysts have been known to be responsible for complications in pregnancy, including miscarriages. Larger cysts give rise to even bigger and more serious problems. Consult with your doctor and initiate the best form of treatment without delay. This will ensure that you have a healthy and trouble-free pregnancy. There are many excellent treatment options available today.
Ovarian cysts during pregnancy need a different course of treatment than during normal times. Some of the drugs and medication used during normal times may be considered dangerous for the unborn child. The pregnant patient is therefore strongly advised to refrain from buying over the counter drugs, especially painkillers. Some of the other conventional options may also not be available. The state of pregnancy will preclude many of the usual measures adopted by conventional medical treatment. Ovarian cysts surgeryClick Here! is such impossibility during this time. Hence, it is always advisable to look at alternative natural forms of treatment that can help cure ovarian cysts during pregnancy, without the usual hazards of conventional mainstream treatment. One of the best means to address the problem is by taking recourse to the holistic approach. Due to its intrinsic safe nature, holistic approach can prove to be extremely beneficial in treating ovarian cysts while posing no threat to the pregnancy. Other advantages include:
o Holistic approach is one of the safest and most benign modes of treatment that a pregnant woman can adopt. It can be started during any phase of pregnancy and the patient can always rest assured knowing that it will pose no danger for her or the unborn child.
o Holistic approach addresses the problem at the grass root level and this ensures that the problem does not recur again in the future. This is where holistic approach scores over conventional medical treatment which aims to cure only the symptoms without eradicating the root of the problem. This leaves the patient vulnerable for future attacks and there is always a risk that the condition will appear again later. Holistic approach not only provides relief from ovarian cysts during pregnancyClick Here!. It goes much further than that and actually roots out the problem for good.
o Holistic approach makes extensive use of natural techniques that are very efficient and incredibly effective, yet mild and benign for the human body. This marks a sharp departure from the aggressive techniques and harsh medication used in conventional forms of treatment. The multidimensional nature of holistic approach lets it explore many different avenues of treatment, instead of remaining stuck with one dogma. This ensures a roaring success eventually.
o Further complications that may arise during pregnancy are effectively avoided by adopting the holistic approach. Ovarian cysts may rupture and lead to rapid deterioration of the condition. Holistic approach helps one overcome these threats by keeping the condition under control and preventing it from developing complications. This ultimately ensures a safe and uneventful pregnancy even if a woman has ovarian cysts.
Holistic approach also helps at an emotional level and can help relieve stress and anxiety that are usually experienced by most women during pregnancy. The holistic practitioner often acts as a counselor who can help put your fears to rest, relieve your tension, lower your stress levels and clear your doubts. You will be amazed to find a whole new degree of confidence and vigor that will enable you to enjoy your pregnancy while getting your ovarian cysts cured simultaneously.
Your chosen holistic practitioner will advise you on the best course of action to treat your specific case of ovarian cysts and pregnancy. Don't delay if you are pregnant and you know to have ovarian cysts? Start a treatment today to avoid further risks and head for complete recovery quickly.
Mary Parker is a medical researcher, certified nutritionist, health consultant and author of the #1 best-selling e-book, "Ovarian Cysts No More- The Secrets Of Curing Ovarian Cysts Holistically". Mary has written dozens of holistic health articles and has been featured in ezines and print magazines, as well as on hundreds of websites worldwide.
To Learn More About Mary Parker´s Unique 3-Step Holistic Ovarian Cysts Cure System Visit: []Ovarian Cysts.
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Teen Pregnancy - The Tell-Tale Signs Of Teen Pregnancy!
By Abhishek Agarwal
While the very earliest signs of teen pregnancy are the same as any other woman, the vital difference is often the reaction a teen may have to the news of pregnancy. It is common for teens to overlook the earliest signs of pregnancy because of denial or simply because they are not aware of the signs. It is essential that at the first moment pregnancy is suspected, a pregnancy test is taken to be sure. It is also important to note that tests can give false positives, so if symptoms persist, see a doctor. The earlier a fetus can get prenatal care, the better off both mother and baby will be.
Some of the earliest signs of teen pregnancy can include:
A Missing Period
This is often the first sign that alerts many women to a possible pregnancy. It's important to know though, that a period can be missed due to other factors, such as stress or a medical condition; if pregnancy is suspected, take a pregnancy testClick Here! as soon as possible.
Swollen Breasts
Another early sign of teen pregnancy is swollen or tender breasts. The breasts undergo drastic changes in the first few months of pregnancy to prepare for breastfeeding by increasing the levels of the hormones estrogen and progesterone.
This is often a common symptom throughout pregnancy and is due to the body working harder to support the fetus. The heart is pumping faster than normal giving nutrients to the growing fetus; increased levels of progesterone are also the culprit for sleepiness. Another cause common particularly in teen pregnancyhref="" target="_top">Click Here! is the high levels of stress associated with the pregnancy.
Spotting and Cramping
Some woman may also see spots of blood in their panties in the early stages of pregnancy. This is from the implantation of the egg on the uterine lining that occurs ten to fourteen days after conception. Cramping can also occur due to the expansion of the uterus to make room for the growing fetus.
Morning Sickness
Despite the name, nausea and/or vomiting associated with pregnancy can occur at any time of the day and can even be brought on by certain scents or other triggers; a drastic rise in estrogen is the culprit of these nauseated feelings and is experienced most often from weeks two through eight.
Frequent Urination
Throughout pregnancy women will feel the urge to urinate much more often that normal. This occurs in the first trimester due to the growing uterus putting pressure on the bladder.
Some women may experience other signs of early pregnancy, and some may experience virtually none; every pregnancyClick Here! is different. Most often symptoms will not occur until about two weeks after the missed period. If pregnancy is suspected there are many at-home tests available that can detect pregnancy as early as five days before the missed period.
Abhishek has seen many childbirths in his huge family! Visit and Download Abhishek's FREE Report How To Dress And Look Your Best During Pregnancy!. If you are an expecting mother, or have just delivered, you can get some very valuable information about Pregnancy and Childbirth. But hurry, only limited Free copies available!
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Pregnancy - Pregnancy in the Sixth Week
By Shilpa Agarwal
During week 6 of pregnancy, you may begin to experience an increase of pregnancy symptoms such as food cravings and aversions - also morning sickness. The embryo at this stage is 0.08 to 0.16 inches long, and structures and organs are more defined. Pregnancy week by week progresses - at 6 weeks, you begin experiencing more pregnancy symptoms. Your baby's heart is beating in a normal pattern. The physical signs of the pregnancy stages can include nausea, extreme fatigue, tender and aching breasts. At this stage, your own health care is very important.
Pregnancy week by week shows that the embryo is growing rapidly and other pregnancy symptomsClick Here! include a frequent need to urinate. Although these symptoms occur in the early pregnancy stages as well, they are more severe during week 6 due to the rapid growth of the embryo. Therefore, adequate health care for the pregnant mother is absolutely essential.
Part of your health care during pregnancy, particularly when you are 6 weeks pregnant should be to drink plenty of water, as morning sickness can occur at any hour even all day long. During your pregnancy stages, you should bear in mind that alcohol, nicotine and drugs should be avoided altogether. Some of the pregnancy symptoms will include food cravings, your breasts becoming larger and a slight weight gain. As the development of pregnancy week by weekClick Here! progresses, your baby's heart beat is distinct and the backbone and head are beginning to form.
During pregnancy, your health care should include a high protein diet that includes soy, milk, cheese and fish, yogurt, fruit juice and cereal. Try to avoid fried and oily foods. If your pregnancy symptoms include nausea, try to take your vitamins with a citric juice, but do not cut out your vitamins. Pregnancy in the 6th week and right through your pregnancy stagesClick Here! should include light exercise like walking, aerobics or even yoga, but always consult your doctor.
Shilpa Agarwal sports content writing as a game rather than work xp. Whether your requirement is for content for your website or for academic publishing, journals or newspapers, PR, blog articles, SEO articles, product descriptions or just general articles; she is just the right stop for you. Currently she is developing the content for a []health blog. is dedicated to create a community where people can find information or share experiences relating to several health issues like pregnancy [], diseases, healthy tips. Whether you are seeking information or would like to know about the places where you can get treatments for your problems, this is the place to get reliable information. If you need an expert for your content related demands, feel free to []contact her.
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Sunday, November 21, 2010
Pregnancy Spotting - An Overview
By Apurva Shree
Pregnancy spotting can cause many pregnant mother sleepless nights but actually it is rather common. About 20% of pregnant women are prone to vaginal pregnancy spotting and so it may not actually be a cause for concern in most women.
Spotting During Pregnancy
Getting pregnant can be a dream come true for many of us and we eagerly wait for the time we can actually hold our baby in our arms. It can be a rather scary when we experience pregnancy spotting for the first time. The bleeding from the vagina may be red or brown in color and usually occurs when the fertilized egg gets implanted in the uterus and indeed may be the first sign of pregnancyClick Here! in many cases. Such spotting can last for a couple of days.
Pregnancy spotting is one of the most common pregnancy complications that can occur during the first trimester. Stay calm and do not panic, it is however recommended that you consult your healthcare practitioner. The bleeding may be red, brownish or dark brown in color. They may not be a cause for concern as long as there are no other symptoms such as clots, cramps, fever, chills and dizziness. If you see that the spotting worsens and you need to use a tampon or a sanitary pad it is best to consult your physician without delay.
Causes Of Pregnancy Spotting
Infections of the vagina such as bacterial or yeast infections.
STD infections
Pap smears
Cervical polyps
Ectopic pregnancy where the pregnancy occurs in the fallopian tubule instead of the uterus.
All of us would love a healthy pregnancy but we should not panic if there are signs of pregnancy spottingClick Here!. Some physicians may advise bed rest and abstinence from sex. Rest and proper care can ensure that you have a normal pregnancy and a safe delivery.
When the pregnancy spotting occurs during the second or third trimester it can mean trouble or indicate an impending miscarriage. The spotting can be a sign of pregnancy complications such as placenta pervia when the placenta is attached to the lower part of the uterus obstructing the cervical opening, placental abruption when the placenta separates from the uterus etc. Such complications may lead to a miscarriage or a pre-term labor.
In women with highly advanced pregnancies pregnancy spotting can indicate that the delivery is imminent as the cervix softens, but at the first sign of pregnancy spotting during the later stages of your pregnancy, consult your physician and seek guidance and advice. Do not hesitate though most of the times pregnancy spotting is little cause for concern, in rarer cases, it may be an indication of a larger problem. To be on the safer side do not neglect pregnancy spotting but do not panic either. []Pregnancy spotting is one of the many pregnancy complicationsClick Here! which could trouble a mom to be. Some degree of []vaginal spotting during pregnancy is quite common and should not be a reason for concern. However, heavy spotting needs medical attention. When you decide in favor of getting pregnant, maintain a regular visit to your pregnancy doctor for regular check ups and to ensure that you enjoy a healthy pregnancy devoid of pregnancy risks and complications. To read more about pregnancy and related subjects visit []pregnancy
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Ten Skin Problems of Pregnancy
By Ally McNeal
Pregnancy brings with it many changes, emotionally, physically, and mentally. From a mental and emotional standpoint, you're preparing to adopt a new role of parent, with all its accompanying responsibilities. Physically, of course, you're dealing with changes in the shape, function, and movement of your body. While we have a society-wide belief that pregnant women are always glowing, that, unfortunately, is not always the case. No where is this more evident than in the skin problems of pregnancy.
You've probably heard the phrase, "the eyes are the window to the soul". If this is true, your skin is the window to your current state of health and the changes taking place on the inside. During pregnancy, aside from all the other issues, you may also have to deal with a variety of skin changes, including rashes, acne, stretch marks, breaking nails, hair growth or loss, and dark blotches on the skin.
Most of these changes are directly linked to the enormous amount of hormonal fluctuations women experience during pregnancy. During pregnancyClick Here!, there are all kinds of changes which can have impact on your skin, leading to new skin problems or worsening of existing ones. In some cases, pregnancy may actually help improve existing skin conditions. Let's look at various skin conditions in more detail, defining the main ten skin problems of pregnancy.
1) Rashes. Rashes appear due to irritation of the skin. One common pregnancy rash is called pruritic urticarial papules and plaques of pregnancy (PUPPP). This is the most frequently seen condition specific to pregnancy. Women with PUPPP demonstrate a rash which starts on the abdomen and can spread to the breasts, arms, thighs, and buttocks.
2) Acne. Acne is another skin condition that may get better or worse during pregnancy. Acne is, at least in part, driven by hormones, so the hormones of pregnancy can lead to more breakouts for some women, and clearer skin for others.
3) Oily skin. Oily skin is third skin condition which may arise during pregnancy. This is related to increased levels of androgen, the male sex hormone, which causes an increase in sebum production. The more sebum produced, the oilier the skin. Many women report that their skin and hair becomes oilier during pregnancy. Most of the time, these issues can be addressed with over the counter oil controlling cleansers and products.
4) Stretch marks. The fourth skin problem of pregnancy, stretch marks arise when the under layers of the skin is stretched, resulting in visible striations on the surface of the skin. Stretch marks can be treated after the fact, but the best treatment is always prevention. Keeping your skin well moisturized, especially on your tummy, breasts, thighs, can help reduce the appearance of stretch marks.
5) Spider angiomas. These are another possible skin problemhref="" target="_top">Click Here! of pregnancy. Spider angiomas are groups of very tiny blood vessels which gather around a central point and radiate out like the legs of a spider. Pregnant women are likely to develop these on their chest, faces, arms, and sometimes on other places on the body. Most of these spider angiomas clear up after pregnancy.
6) Chloasma. Chloasma, also called melasma, or the "mask of pregnancy" is another skin condition which is diagnosed when certain areas of the skin turn darker because of excess pigmentation. Most often, this condition affects places of the skin which are most often exposed to sun, like the upper lip, forehead, cheeks. This condition is likely to clear up after pregnancy. Again, you can lessen your chances of chloasma by using a good (baby safe) doctor recommended sunscreen throughout the course of your pregnancy.
7) Too much hair. Changes in the hair are also common during pregnancy. Some women lose a lot of hair within a few months after delivery, while many are troubled with excess hair growth during pregnancy. Excess hair growth is most often seen on the lip and chin, and is triggered by an increase in androgen and other male hormones during pregnancy.
8) Brittle nails. Many women experience breaking, splitting, or brittleness to their nails during pregnancy. Physicians aren't quite sure why this occurs, but it may be managed with an over the counter nail hardening polish. Check with your doctor.
9) Skin tags. Skin tags are little pieces of skin which over-grow and hang from the neck. These can increase in number during pregnancy. If you have skin tags before pregnancy, it may be that pregnancy will cause these to increase.
10) Atopic dermatitis. Also known as eczema, this skin condition may appear or worsen during pregnancy. Marked by extreme skin itchiness, too much scratching can lead to the skin become red, swollen, or cracked.
If you are pregnant, be sure to watch for these ten skin problems of pregnancy. If you begin to develop any of these conditions, seek appropriate medical advice; you don't have to suffer through these conditions for the whole nine months. Chances are that your doctor will have recommendations which can address your skin problems so you can have healthy, beautiful skinClick Here!, even while you're pregnant.
Ally McNeal loves learning and teaching about skin care.
Learn more about []taking care of pregnant skin
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You Should Know Facts Before You Decide to Have Pregnancy Terminated
By Yana Mikheeva
You're sure you're pregnant, and this was not among your plans. Now you feel fear, confusion and offence and are absolutely unaware of what to do further. It's very hard to turn out to face unplanned pregnancy href="" target="_top">Click Here!. You deserve to know all facts before you make a decision. Law gives you right to be informed about such important decision. Let's learn about a new life that is developing inside of you and the abortion itself in more details. Remember, there're always positive ways in this situation.
Abortion is not a simple medical procedure. For many women this is an event, causing serious physical, emotional and spiritual changes. Majority of women, suffering from after-effects of past abortions, say that they would like to be told about all facts before they decided to have pregnancy terminated.
Remember that basic burden because of after-effects of abortion will fall on you. If your boyfriend or parents make you having your pregnancy terminated quickly, explain them that you need to think over everything. Try to involve them in the process of learning the situation, to find a positive way. And remember, you have a right to keep this pregnancy.
Probably, you treat this unplanned pregnancy as an obstacle in your life. But you should know that there're always lots of variants to solve problems. Look closer and you will see them. Remember, many women found necessary help in such situation and made positive decision.
During pregnancy your organism passes through many changes. Most popular signs of early pregnancy are insomnia, sickness, heightened sensibility of breast, frequent urination, tiredness and sudden changes of mood.
You can trust to majority of pregnancy tests, however, you need to visit a doctor, to confirm it.
Your doctor may lead or send you to ultrasound investigation, to confirm pregnancy. This information is important in any case, regardless of whether you think about abortion or keeping pregnancy.
Signs of pregnancy:
Delay of menstruation
Sickness and retching
Heightened sensibility of breast
Frequent urination
Sudden changes of mood
Cervix of the uterus - lower opening in uterus.
Embryo - human life in the initial stage of development.
Fertilization - combination of male sperm with female ovule, forming a new human life as a result.
Fetus - developing prenatal baby with human constitution.
Full-term pregnancy - term, after which prenatal babyClick Here! is ready for birth (about 40 weeks after last menstruation or 38 weeks after fertilization).
Last menstrual period - a day, when last menstruation began before fertilization. This is a date, since which calculations of pregnancy and age of prenatal baby are made.
Trimester - 3 months interval, which is used for determination of three, following one after another, stages of pregnancy: 1st trimester (1st-3rd months), 2nd trimester (4-6th months) and 3rd trimester (7-9th months).
Uterus - muscle female organ, in which prenatal baby is developing.
Beginning of life - At the moment, when fertilization takes place, peculiarities of a baby are already present and determined, including sex, hair and eye color.
9 weeks (7 weeks since conception)
During this term a baby's heart is already beating for a whole month
16 weeks
In this age a baby reacts to loud sounds
22 weeks (20 weeks since conception)
In this age you can see a baby's eyelashes
This operational abortion is carried out on early stage of pregnancy (up to 7 weeks). Muscles of cervix of the uterus are stretched with the help of metallic rods-dilators until opening is wide enough to allow abortive instruments come in uterus. Doctor attaches a special syringe to a tube (it is inserted in uterus) and a prenatal baby is evacuated.
Vacuum-aspiration with following scraping
During 6-14 weeks after last menstrual period
During this procedure a doctor opens cervix of the uterus with metallic dilators or thin sticks that are inserted hours before the procedure itself. A doctor inserts tube into uterus and attaches in to pump. A pump grinds a baby's body into parts and evacuates them from uterus. Such abortion is called Dilation with following scraping. In this case doctor can use curette (roundish knife), to scrape parts of baby's body from uterus.
Dilation and ablation
During 13-24 weeks after last menstruation
This operational abortion is carried out during second trimester of pregnancy. As a developing baby doubles in size between 11th and 12th weeks, his body is too big to be crushed by pump and pass through tube. In this case cervix of the uterus should be opened wider, than during abortion of 1st trimester. So, sticks are inserted a day or two before abortion itself. After cervix of the uterus is opened, a doctor takes out parts of baby's body with forceps. To take out a baby's skull, it is crushed with forceps beforehand.
Dilation and extraction
Since 20 weeks after last menstrual period
This procedure takes 3 days. During first two days a cervix of the uterus is dilated and a woman is given antispasmodic preparations. On third day a woman takes a medicine, provoking delivery. After delivery began, a doctor carries out ultrasonic investigation to determine location of baby's legs. Clenching legs with forceps, a doctor takes baby out, leaving only head inside. Then, he makes a hole in a skull and lets contents out. A skull is broken and a baby is taken out from uterus completely.
"Mifegin", "Mifepristone", "RU 486В" during 4-7 weeks after last menstruation
This medicated abortion is carried out during 30-49 days after last menstrual period. As a rule, a woman should visit a doctor three times for this procedure. "Mifegin" is given to women, who return 2 days later, to take second medicine - "Misprostol". A combination of these 2 chemicals provokes to rejection and ejection of a baby from uterus.
As a result of abortion, many complications may appear: pain in lower part of belly, spasms, sickness, vomiting and liquid stool. In spite of the fact that in majority of cases there're no serious after-effects, complications may appear in about one of each 100 abortions on early term. And also in one of each 50 abortions on late term.
More serious complications are:
Intensive bleeding
Some bleeding after abortion target="_top">Click Here! is normal. However, there's a risk of serious bleeding, especially, if uterine artery is broken. When this happens, a woman needs blood transfusion.
During abortion bacterium can come into uterus. Result - infection. Serious infection can lead to stable high temperature during several days, what requires long hospitalization.
Incomplete abortion
Some parts of baby's body can be left in uterus. As a result, bleeding and infection may appear. For example, "RU 486" does not work in one of 20 cases.
Allergic reaction to medicines
Allergic reaction to anesthesia during abortion can lead to convulsions, heart attack and sometimes death.
Laceration of cervix
Cervix of the uterus can be cut or broken by abortive instruments.
Scars on internal membrane of uterus
Tube of suction apparatus, curette and other instruments can leave scars on uterus membrane.
Perforation of uterus
Uterus can be transfixed or broken by instruments. Risk of this complication increases with duration of pregnancy. If this happens, a serious operation, and in some cases hysterectomy (amputation of uterus) are necessary.
Damage of internals
When a hole or gap forms in uterus, this may lead to a damage of adjoining organs, such as bowels and urinary bladder.
In extreme cases complications after abortion may lead to death. Excessive bleeding, damage of organs and walls of uterus and negative reaction to anesthesia are especially dangerous. These complications happen seldom, in general 20 cases per year.
Doctors are still investigating a question about possible connection between abortion and breast cancer. However, here're several important factors:
Bearing pregnancy till childbirth creates protection against breast cancer in organism. This protection is not gained, in you make abortion.
Because of abortion a sudden decay of hormone estrogen takes place. This fact makes breast cells disposed to breast cancer.
Majority of researches indicate to a significant connection between abortion and breast cancer.
Scars and other damages as a result of abortion may lead to sterility or complications while further desired pregnancies. For those who had first pregnancy terminated, a risk of miscarriages increases.
In 1994 a magazine National Cancer Institute determined: "Among women, who became pregnant although once, a risk of breast cancer increased 50% for those, who had pregnancy terminated".
Some women feel serious emotional stress after abortion. This may begin during first days after abortion, and sometimes many years later. Here're some factors, which passing of symptoms of Post-abortion stress depends on: age of woman, circumstances of abortion, term of pregnancy, and also religious views of woman.
People have different understanding of God. Regardless of your belief now, spiritual side of abortion deserves attention. If you have your pregnancy terminated, this may influence not only your mind and organism, but also attitude to God. What does God want for you in this situation? In what way does God see your prenatal baby? These are important questions, which you should think over.
Sense of guilt
Offence and malice
Thoughts of suicide
Worries during anniversaries of abortion
Sexual dysfunction
Problems in relationships
Excess alcohol
Drug addiction
Psychological changes
You have a legal right to choose. You real responsibility is to find out ways for making a Positive decision.
Here're several opportunities:
Choice of keeping pregnancy is a difficult choice. But with support of kind people, lessons for parents and other possibilities many women find help for themselves and choose this way.
You can give your baby for adoption. In USA there're about 50,000 of such cases per year. This decision, based on love, often is made by women, who were thinking about abortion before.
"I could not give all necessary things for my baby. The best decision in my life was to find a loving family for her, which could grow my daughter. She loves her family and she loves me too. I did not betray her, I gave her the best. "
Sometimes it seems turning out facing unplanned pregnancy is insuperably difficult. That is why it is so important to know where to go for help. Try to talk to a person, whom you trust: priest, father of a baby, parents or, possible, just with a good friend.
Yana Mikheeva is the creator of the Baby-Health.Net at
Are you going to get pregnant? Visit our friendly resource and read information on pregnancy and parenting, painless childbirth, growth and development of a baby, baby health, safety, signs of pregnancy.
She also has a blog for women at []
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unplanned pregnancy
Saturday, November 20, 2010
Taking a Closer Look at Multiple Pregnancy
By Ken Austin
If you're seriously interested in knowing about multiple pregnancy, you need to think beyond the basics. This informative article takes a closer look at things you need to know about multiple pregnancy.
There used to be a theory that twins skipped a generation, but now it is believed that twins are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy themselves. Obviously this is genetic, but it is a valid point to consider if you are a twin and want to become pregnant. Similarly, if your family history or that of your partner's includes twins, then there is an increased chance that you will have a twin pregnancy as well.
Older women are more likely to have a multiple pregnancy. There is an increased ovulation of multiple eggs in older women and this can lead to a higher chance of the woman having a twin pregnancy. Fertility treatments can also lead to an increased chance of multiple pregnancies. It is also evident that women from African backgrounds are more likely to have pregnancies that are twins or more.
Having a multiple pregnancy can be very exciting. There is something special about having twins. If you have learned that you have a multiple pregnancy, there are some important considerations to keep in mind.
In a multiple pregnancy, the financial implications are more pronounced than in a single pregnancy. You will require two of everything - two bassinets, two cribs, two strollers (or one double stroller) and many pairs of clothes. And because every baby is different, you will have to learn from each child individually when he or she needs to eat, or needs a change of diapers. A minimum of double the diapers and baby formula will be needed, and these expenses can add up very quickly.
Finances aside, a multiple pregnancy can take a toll on your sanity. Two babies equals double the crying and double the sleepless nights. Regardless if it's a multiple pregnancy or a single pregnancy you will have to cope with crying and sleeplessness anyway. But one advantage of a multiple pregnancy is that you'll only have to go through it once, assuming you will not be having more children. For parents that have a single birth but desire more than one child, it will be necessary to endure the "terrible twos" more than once. A multiple pregnancy will also mean only one labor and delivery, and only one hospital stay.
Those of you not familiar with the latest on multiple pregnancy now have at least a basic understanding. But there's more to come.
Medically speaking, a multiple pregnancy is automatically considered a high-risk pregnancy. Keep in mind, however, that most women successfully carry a multiple pregnancy with no unusual complications. Normal pregnancy ailments such as mood swings and back pain may be exaggerated, but in general you can expect the same symptoms and discomforts of a regular pregnancy.
Monitoring your nutritional intake is imperative with a multiple pregnancy. You will need to eat more, but avoid gaining an excessive amount of weight. It's a delicate balancing act that will need to be discussed at length with your doctor. A general guideline is to increase your caloric intake by around 250 to 350 calories per day for each additional child you are carrying and increase the amount of protein you consume. A multivitamin might also be advised, but doubling the recommended dosage can be dangerous so seek the advice of your doctor before taking additional vitamin supplements.
In a multiple pregnancy, you will need to visit your doctor more often than during a single pregnancy. You will also need additional ultrasounds to closely monitor the development of both fetuses. In terms of delivery, a multiple pregnancy will usually end approximately two weeks before the normal due date. Most multiple pregnancy births are early. This is because the womb is stretched by multiple pregnancies quicker than during a single pregnancy, and the cervix then opens earlier than normal.
Before giving birth to more than one baby at a time, you must consult with your doctor about your delivery options. It is preferred to deliver through a normal vaginal birth, although a Cesarean section delivery could be recommended if there are any complications that could be a danger to you or your babies during a vaginal delivery.
You can't predict when knowing something extra about multiple pregnancy will come in handy. If you learned anything new about multiple pregnancy in this article, you should file the article where you can find it again.
Ken Austin is the webmaster at My Pregnancy [] , a pregnancy resource site.
For more great pregnancy articles, please visit The Pregnancy Resource Guide [].
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Never Ignore Ectopic Pregnancy Symptoms - It is an Emergency
By Anupriya Jain
Ectopic pregnancy symptoms start occurring when the egg is fertilized outside the uterus and the baby starts developing outside the womb. Most commonly, ectopic pregnancyClick Here! occurs inside the fallopian tube, but in some cases, though quite rare, it occurs in the ovary or the stomach area. These are not normal kinds of pregnancies and should not be allowed to proceed further as they may cause permanent damage to the system.
The reason why an ectopic pregnancy takes place is due to a condition in which the passage of the fertilized egg through the fallopian tube is blocked or slowed down. This blockage may be physical and can occur due to some previous infections, surgery in the fallopian tube, and inflammation of the area or earlier ectopic pregnancy.
Symptoms To Watch Out For
Ectopic pregnancy symptoms are abdominal and are characterized by pelvic pain and vaginal bleeding. These are often confused with the pregnancy symptoms of miscarriage or pelvic inflammatory diseases. The best thing is to approach your doctor if you experience any of these symptoms as a delay in action might cause a ruptured ectopic pregnancy, which is a serious medical condition.
Ruptured Ectopic Pregnancy
Common early symptoms of ectopic pregnancy include lightheadedness, dizziness, passing-out, sweating, and pale complexion, extreme and unbearable pain in pelvic area and/or stomach. You must go to your doctor if you experience any of these and undergo certain examinations which the doctor will perform on you. The doctor generally goes for a pelvic exam and ultrasound to determine enlargement of the uterus and the area affected by this kind of pregnancy. Blood hormone levels are also checked to see the changes.
If you are having any ectopic pregnancy symptom,Click Here! it should be treated as an emergency as this type of pregnancy may rupture anytime and damage the fallopian tube permanently. Such pregnancies if diagnosed at early stages can be treated accordingly and the pregnancy can be terminated safely without damaging the tube. However, if it ruptures, surgery is the only option to save the patient's life.
With the advancement in medical science and technology, this kind of pregnancy can be terminated safely with a small surgery today and the woman can still hope to conceive and deliver a healthy child next time. Earlier, all of the fallopian tube used to be terminated and there was no chance for having a baby in the womb. Thanks to the medical advancements today, women who had such type of pregnancy once can dream to have a healthy pregnancy in the near future.
All women should be vigilant enough not to take signs of pregnancy lightly and start getting pre-natal care immediately. This way, she can recognize and tell her doctor about ectopic pregnancy symptoms, if any, at the earlier stages and get the condition treated properly without harming herself and her reproductive system.
Ectopic pregnancy is a very severe pregnancy complication, which could have disastrous effects. Be watchful about []ectopic pregnancy symptoms, such as pelvic pain and contact your doctor immediately because a ruptured ectopic pregnancy href="" target="_top">Click Here! could signal an emergency. []Early Pregnancy Symptoms provides more information about normal []symptoms of pregnancy and even some early pregnancy symptoms that could indicate that you are on your way to being a mother.
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Tuesday, November 16, 2010
Answers To Pregnant Women's Queries on Pregnancy Doctor
By Asheesh Mani
Pregnant woman need health care in general and prenatal care in particular. Therefore, one must be careful while approaching a pregnancy doctor who can closely follow progress on various stages of pregnancy. The pregnancy expert should be able to guide the pregnant woman, who naturally has a nesting instinct, during different phases of pregnancy and fetal development.
1. Whom To Choose As A Pregnancy Doctor?
One can go in for an Obstetrician or a midwife to take care of the would-be-mother during and after pregnancy.
An Obstetrician provides medical and surgical care to women during pregnancy, childbirth and immediately after delivery. One can choose a gynecologist as well, provided he or she is also an obstetrician.
A qualified and certified midwife is a registered and trained nurse having adequate experience of providing care to women before, during and after pregnancy. Research shows that 80% of the women opt for Obstetricians.
2. How To Choose A Pregnancy Doctor?
The first and foremost factor is professional qualification, area of specialization, expertise, experience and reputation of the pregnancy doctor.
It is equally important to note that one's own experience with the doctor also matters a lot. The pregnant woman as well as her husband must feel comfortable with the pregnancy specialist.
Is the doctor is patient enough to listen to problems of his patients and solve them satisfactorily?
Finally yet importantly are the location and time availability of the doctor.
3. What To Expect During Visits To The Pregnancy Doctor?Click Here!
The pregnancy doctor should be able to diagnose the pregnant womanClick Here!, identify and discuss health problems that she is facing or is likely to, during the rest of the pregnancy.
The doctor must:
Provide blood and urine tests for infections, in preliminary stages
Determine weight gain, and hormonal changes throughout
Keep track of blood pressure on a regular basis
Check the status of the fetus
Check the woman's hands, feet and face for swelling
Advice on vitamin or calcium supplements that the mother needs for her and her newborn's health
Address doubts on pregnancy and delivery
4. How Often To Visit The Pregnancy Doctor?
For a safe or rather low-risk and normal pregnancy, visits to a pregnancy doctor should be as follows:
4 weeks- 7 months - Once in a month
7-9 months - Twice in a month
9 months- until childbirth - Once every week
A woman with a "high risk" pregnancy may need to see her prenatal care provider more frequently.
5. Various Fertility Treatment Options Available With A Pregnancy Doctor:
InfertilityClick Here! can be either due to the male or the female or both. In any of these situations, the fertility/pregnancy doctor ought to diagnose the couple. The treatment very often is quite simple, such as changes in lifestyle, medication or surgery. The lifestyle changes include weight loss, stopping smoking or coping better with stress at the workplace.
In other cases, the fertility specialist may recommend and provide infertility treatment for different fertility problems. The options include:
In-vitro fertilization (IVF) - It involves union of the sperm and embryo in a laboratory.
Intrauterine insemination (IUI) - It is an artificial insemination process, to artificially place the sperm in a woman's uterus.
Intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) - It is a fertility method to treat low sperm count in males.
So, with your questions to the doctor being answered satisfactorily, get ready to welcome your baby in a relaxed frame of mind. []Pregnancy doctor is your friend, philosopher and guide through the pregnancy. The doctor guides you about pregnancy complications, risks and even infertility treatment options. []Pregnancy-Period.Com offers more information on pregnancy and []cord blood.
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Battling Pregnancy Insomnia
By Patricia Hammond
Pregnancy may be one of the happiest moments in a woman's life. Some pregnant women however may also come to experience physical pains and discomforts as their tummies expand. One such common complaint is pregnancy insomnia.
The Figures
It is believed that at least 78% of women experience insomnia during pregnancy. Although some may not experience this sleeping problem throughout pregnancy, at least 97% of pregnant women experience temporary pregnancy insomnia near the end of pregnancy or at the last trimester. Aside from common pregnancy insomnia,Click Here! 30% of pregnant women also develop snoring habits that could be a sign of sleep apnea.
Pregnancy Insomnia
Pregnant women may experience pregnancy insomnia because of pregnancy induced pains and discomforts. A woman may have trouble sleeping simply because a big tummy makes nearly all sleeping positions uncomfortable. Pregnancy insomnia is more commonly experienced during the last trimester because the swollen uterus presses against body parts and organs and creates pressure in some parts. This results in common pregnancy complaints like nausea, cramps, heartburn, body aches and the need to frequently urinate. Fetal movement and psychological anxieties may also contribute to the incidence of pregnancy insomnia.
Other Sleep Problems
Aside from pregnancy insomnia, sleep apnea may also be a harmful condition that may develop during pregnancy. Nasal passages may increasingly swell in pregnant womenClick Here! which may block airways. Snoring which may accompany this kind of apnea may result in high blood pressure. The lack of oxygen could also potentially harm the fetus. In some women, this sleep apnea may also be the cause of pregnancy insomnia since a pregnant woman may wake up suddenly because of gasping which may follow snoring.
There are numerous ways to help reduce pregnancy insomnia. The following may be helpful tips:
· Experiment with sleeping positions like sleeping on your side. Avoid sleeping on your back to avoid pressure on your diaphragm and bladder.
· Drink a lot of water in the morning but reduce fluid intake before bed time to curb frequent urination.
· Perform pregnancy exercises to reduce painful night leg cramps.
· Add comfortable pillows on your bed. You can hug a long body pillow or use special pregnancy pillows for your head and back.
· Take a warm bath and have a soft massage before sleeping.
· Drink warm milk or water with honey before sleeping.
· Make sure that you are comfortable with your room's temperature and that the room is well ventilated
· Play relaxing music or turn on the TV to a boring show.
· Read a boring book.
· Avoid spicy or acidic foods to avoid heartburn.
· Eat bland crackers to reduce nausea.
· Practice deep relaxation breathing techniques like the method taught in pregnancy classes.
Find What Works
Pregnancy aches and pains are usually unique to an individual. You may therefore need to find your own personal solution to pregnancy insomnia by experimenting on which of the above mentioned tips will work for you. One thing is certain though; you should consult your doctor if you plan to take anything for your insomnia. What you put in your body could be harmful to your baby. It is generally a bad idea to take alcohol, sleeping pills, sedatives and other sleep medication while you are pregnant. Ask you doctor for a safe sleep supplement.
Get more information on []pregnancy insomnia symptomsClick Here! and other sleep disorder remedies at []
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Monday, November 15, 2010
Twin Pregnancy FAQ
By Shannon Amara
Discovering that you're pregnant with twins is exciting but also quite overwhelming. Because twin pregnancies carry additional risks and precautions, you likely have many questions.
What's different about a twin pregnancy?
The experience of a twin pregnancyClick Here! can be very different for some women. In some cases, women who are pregnant with twins experience enhanced pregnancy symptoms such as nausea, fatigue, or edema (swelling). A a woman who is pregnant with twins is at greater risk for some medical complications, such as preterm labor, preeclampsia, pregnancy induced hypertension (PIH) and gestational diabetes.
What are the signs of twin pregnancy?
While some women report drastic differences in a twin pregnancy, others report no differences from a singleton pregnancy. Some of the most common indicators of multiple births are weight gain, measuring large for gestational age, severe morning sickness, early detection of fetal movement, abnormally High Results on an AFP or Triple Screen Test, extreme fatigue and elevated HcG Levels.
How can I find out if I am having twins?
Ultrasound remains the most reliable way to detect and monitor a multiple pregnancy. The routine use of ultrasound in prenatal care has reduced the number of surprise appearances by twins in the delivery room; most multiples are discovered during the first half of pregnancy. If you have a hunch or suspect that you are carrying twins or more, discuss your feelings with your doctor.
Will I have to go on bed rest?
Bed rest is prescribed in multiple pregnancyClick Here! as a preventative and precautionary tool. It can provide benefits for both mom and babies, prolonging a pregnancy in danger of preterm labor to a woman whose body is under stress. In 1992, a survey by the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs showed that 70 percent of women expecting multiple births experienced bed rest at some point in their pregnancy. However, times have changed and doctors have become less rigid about sentencing women to bed.
Can there be a hidden twin?
Nearly every pregnant woman considers the possibility that she may be carrying more than one baby. The only way to confirm a twin or multiple pregnancy is by visually identifying the multiple fetuses with ultrasound. If your doctor or caregiver can only see one baby, you're not having twins or multiples. There are some very rare exceptions. Ultrasound provides a picture of the womb, but sometimes the picture can be misleading or misinterpreted, particularly if performed very early in the pregnancy or by an incompetent technician. At twenty weeks, a second fetus would be clearly visible on ultrasound, and the likelihood that there is another baby hidden in the womb is extremely small.
What is vanishing twin syndrome?
Vanishing Twin Syndrome occurs when one of a set of twin fetuses apparently disappears from the womb during pregnancy, usually resulting in a normal singleton pregnancy. One of the fetuses in a twin pregnancy spontaneously aborts, usually during the first trimester; the fetal tissue is absorbed by the other twin, the placenta, or the mother, thus giving the appearance that the twin "vanished." In recent years, enhanced use of ultrasound early in pregnancy has increased the frequency of diagnosis of twin pregnancy. As a result, there has been a heightened awareness of vanishing twin syndrome.
How much weight will I gain?
Women are always worried about how much weight they will gain with anyy pregnancyClick Here!, singleton or multiple. Now that you're having twins, the thought of extra weight gain seems scary. Generally, a healthy pregnancy requires that a woman gain 25 to 30 pounds during the nine month gestation period, depending on her body type. But that's for just one baby. Like everything about having multiples, more is required. Doctor recommendations vary, but most women tend to gain about 35 to 45 pounds during a twin pregnancy, with about 10 additional pounds for every additional baby in a higher order multiple pregnancy. However, this is just a guideline so be sure to speak to your doctor about what is appropriate for your body type.
What is the typical gestation for a twin pregnancy?
Generally, twins and other multiples are born earlier than singletons. Research from the National Organization of Mothers of Twins Clubs (NOMOTC) indicates that about half of multiples are born before 36 weeks gestation. There's no way to know exactly when your babies will be born. In some cases, a premature birth can not be avoided. Some doctors feel that thirty-seven or thirty-eight weeks should be considered full-term for twins and will seek to prompt the delivery of the babies at that time.
Are my twins identical or fraternal?
This is one of the first things people want to know about a twin pregnancy. Here are some ways to discover is you're twins are identical or fraternal:
* If you're twins are the same gender, they are identical.
* If you're twins have been diagnosed with Twin-to-Twin Transfusion Syndrome (TTS), they are identical. TTS does not affect fraternal twins.
* If there is a single, shared placenta, it is more likely you're twins are identical.
* If you're twins have been identified as monoamnionic, they are identical. Only identical twins develop with a single, shared amnion.
Mom's Key:
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Heartburn in Pregnancy - Helpful Tips
By Anna Hart
Heartburn in pregnancyClick Here! is caused by a muscular weakness. The muscle involved is the lower esophageal sphincter (LES), a ring of muscle between your stomach and esophagus. The LES is designed to relax when you swallow food so that the food can enter the stomach. Once the food is in the stomach, the LES is to tighten, keeping food and stomach acids from flowing back into your esophagus. If the LES always worked properly, no one would ever suffer heartburn in pregnancy.
Like many other parts of the body, however, the LES is affected by pregnancy. Heartburn in pregnancy is a frequent complaint.
Common Question about Heartburn in Pregnancy
When does heartburn start in pregnancy? How soon in pregnancy do you get heartburn? When should I expect heartburn in pregnancy? The question varies, but the answer is always the same. Heartburn in pregnancy usually begins around the fifth month. From that point forward, it may come and go until you give birth.
How do you treat heartburn in pregnancy?
Pregnancy Heartburn Treatment
Pregnancy heartburn treatment begins with an understanding of the relationship between heartburn and pregnancy. Why is it that at this time when you are so happy to be expecting, you suddenly have heartburn?
With pregnancy, the placenta produces progesterone, a hormone that relaxes the uterus' smooth muscles. It relaxes some other muscles, too, one of which can be the LES separating the esophagus and stomach. As progesterone relaxes the LES, it fails to close and/or remain tightly closed. This allows acids to flow back into the esophagus, causing heartburn. Progesterone also affects the contractions of the esophagus, slowing the wavelike action. This, too, contributes to heartburn in pregnancy.
As your pregnancy progresses and your baby grows, your abdominal cavity will become crowded. The limited space will be taken up increasingly by the growing, moving infant. This puts pressure on the stomach, which in turn pressures the LES to open. Heartburn can quickly result as stomach acids are pushed into the esophagus.
Click Here!
Steps of Pregnancy Heartburn Treatment
Your healthcare provider will warn you not to take medications that might harm the baby. There are steps you can take, however, to treat heartburn in pregnancy.
1. Watch your weight gain. Ask your physician how much you should reasonably gain, and be careful to keep your weight to that limit. Excess weight will place more pressure on the LES and increase heartburn.
2. Avoid tight clothing, especially around your waist and abdomen. Tight clothing also contributes to pressure on the LES muscle ring.
3. When bending, bend at the knees rather than at the waist. Bending at the waist is a common cause of heartburn in pregnancy.
4. Eat several small meals during the day in place of three larger meals. Eat slowly and chew your food well.
5. Have your last meal or snack at least two to three hours before bedtime. Allowing food to digest before you lie down can reduce heartburn.Click Here!
6. Although you will want to drink eight to ten glasses of water daily, you should Avoid drinking large amounts of liquid during meals. Try to remember that a distended stomach will pressure the LES and cause heartburn.
7. Ward off potential heartburn by chewing gum after eating. The chewing action can help release air bubbles that contribute to heartburn and the gum stimulates the production of saliva, which can help neutralize acid.
CAUTION: The author is not a professional physician, and offers this information about heartburn in pregnancy for educational purposes only. Please seek advice from your health care provider.
© 2007, Anna Hart. Anna herself suffered heartburn in pregnancy, and she empathizes with your problem. She invites you to read more of her articles about heartburn at [] Anna continues to research and post regular information on that site. If you are eager to help your children understand []heartburn in pregnancy, you will enjoy Anna's article on how to demonstrate it for them.
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The Possible Deception: An Early Sign of Pregnancy
By Sandra Manningham
Many have heard a lot on an early sign of pregnancyClick Here!. Some hold true, while others may be exaggerations. Add the fact that no two ever experience exactly the same early sign of pregnancy. The best way to be closer to sure would be taking a pregnancy test. Today you have many choices for affordable home pregnancy tests as well. What follows are a few other explanations for what could be an early sign of pregnancy.
Early Sign of Pregnancy
1. The number one most deceptive early sign of pregnancy would have to be the missed period. There are many other explanations for this symptom that can often apply. Among the reasons besides pregnancy can include acute psychological stress, overproduction of progesterone and estrogen hormones, among other causes that can delay or stop this natural process. There are many reasons that ovulation cycles can come out balance.
2. Morning sickness is another early sign of pregnancy that can be false. Many have gone through this at different stages and turned out not pregnant. The more legitimate cases often occur at the 4-6 week mark; however even then it is far from a 100% sign of pregnancy. Others have legitimately experienced morning sickness at other times as well. Other causes can include common illnesses such as the flu, dietary imbalances, stress, among many other digestive disorders.
3. Strange food cravings are another early sign of pregnancy that have turned out false at times. Often among them can be even strange delicacies such as peanut butter and banana sandwiches, as well as pickles and ice-cream. These are signs of dietary concerns that can be results of pregnancy but not exclusively. Outside of pregnancy, they are often associated with acute short-falls of vitamin and mineral intake for the body. The craving in this case results with foods that contain these.
4. There are a number of other symptoms of early pregnancy that have been seen. Swelling, changes in normal routine physical aspects and so on. These can also be signs of other serious conditions such as cancer, diabetes, degenerative bodily imbalances, among other lesser conditions. Pregnant or otherwise it's wise to consult your physician.
Phantom Pregnancies are a mix of several signs of early pregnancyClick Here! where there is in fact no pregnancy. This happens to some that are extremely set on having a baby though haven't yet. This strong want can cause one sign or more to seem to happen. Morning sickness, missed period, and most of the rest have been known to occur within a phantom pregnancy.
All the information here on the possible deception of an early sign of pregnancy is Click Here! just a short list. There are a number of other signs that people find deceptive as well. The best way to be sure is to have a pregnancy test, and see what the results are there. Follow-up with a doctor after home tests is wise as well as better early care can lead to a healthier family in the long run.
For a better understanding about pregnancy and to receive some highly informative [] pregnancy information why not check out ? For comprehensive, friendly and helpful advice on all pregnancy issues.
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Herbal Allies For Pregnancy Problems
By Susun Weed
problems of pregna
Wise women believe that most of the problems of pregnancy Click Here!can be prevented by attention to nutrition. Morning sickness and mood swings are connected to low blood sugar; backaches and severe labor pains often result from insufficient calcium; varicose veins, hemorrhoids, constipation, skin discoloration and anemia are evidence of lack of specific nutrients; pre-eclampsia, the most severe problem of pregnancy, is a form of acute malnutrition. Excellent nutrition includes pure water, controlled breath, abundant light, loving and respectful relationships, beauty and harmony in daily life, joyous thoughts and vital foodstuffs.
During pregnancy nutrients are required to create the cells needed to form two extra pounds of uterine muscle, the nerves, bones, organs, muscles, glands and skin of the fetus, several pounds of amniotic fluid, a placenta and a 50 percent increase in blood volume. In addition, extra kidney and liver cells are needed to process the waste of two beings instead of one.
Wild foods and organically grown produce, grains and herbs are the best source of vitamins, minerals and other nutrients needed during pregnancy. All the better if the expectant mother can get out and gather her own herbs: stretching, bending, breathing, moving, touching the earth, taking time to talk with the plants and to open herself to their spiritual world.
Wise women have recommended herbal tonics for childbearing for thousands of years. These herbs are empirically safe and notably effective. Tonic herbs improve general health by balancing and sustaining energy flow and focus in the body.
Tonics allay annoyances and prevent major problems. They can boost the supply of vital minerals and vitamins, increase energy and improve uterine tone. Some uterine tonics are contraindicated during pregnancy or are restricted to the last few weeks of pregnancy.
The tonics indicated for pregnancy need to be used regularly; a tonic is to the cells much as exercise is to the muscles: not much use when done erratically. Of course even occasional use of tonics during pregnancy will be of benefit, since they do contain nourishing factors. Better benefit will come from using them 5 times a week or more.
Some simple suggestions to get into the habit of using tonics: pregnant women could replace the morning cup of coffee with a rich Nettle infusion. Or she could brew up some raspberry leaf tea and put it in the refrigerator to drink instead of soda, wine, or beer. Wild greens can be added to the diet. Women in many cultures have used the following herbs for centuries to have a healthier pregnancy.
Brewed as a tea or as an infusion, raspberry is the best known, most widely used, and safest of all uterine and pregnancy tonic herbs. It contains fragrine, an alkaloid that gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself.
Most of the benefits ascribed to regular use of Raspberry tea through pregnancy are traced to the nourishing source of vitamins and minerals found in this plant and to the strengthening power of fragrine - an alkaloid which gives tone to the muscles of the pelvic region, including the uterus itself. Of special note are the rich concentration of vitamin C, the presence of vitamin E and the easily assimilated calcium and iron. Raspberry leaves also contain vitamins A and B complex and many minerals, including phosphorous and potassium.
The benefits of drinking a raspberry leaf Click Here! brew before and throughout pregnancy include the following:
Increasing fertility in both men and women: Raspberry leaf is an excellent fertility herb when combined with Red Clover.
Preventing miscarriage and hemorrhage: Raspberry leaf tones the uterus and helps prevent miscarriage and postpartum hemorrhage from a relaxed or atonic uterus.
Easing of morning sickness: Many attest to raspberry leaves' gentle relief of nausea and stomach distress throughout pregnancy.
Reducing pain during labor and after birth: By toning the muscles used during labor and delivery, Raspberry leaf eliminates many of the reasons for a painful delivery and prolonged recovery. It does not, however, counter the pain of pelvic dilation.
Assisting in the production of plentiful breast milk: The high mineral content of Raspberry leaf assists in milk production, but its astringency may counter that for some women.
Providing a safe and speedy parturition: Raspberry leaf works to encourage the uterus to let go and function without tension. It does not strengthen contractions, but does allow the contracting uterus to work more effectively and so may make the birth easier and faster.
NETTLE LEAVES (Urtica Diotca)
Less well known as a pregnancy tonic but deserving a kinder reputation and use, Urtica is one of the finest nourishing tonics known. It is reputed to have more chlorophyll than any other herb. The list of vitamins and minerals in this herb includes nearly every one known to be necessary for human health and growth.
Vitamins A, C, D and K, calcium, potassium, phosphorous, iron and sulphur are particularly abundant in nettles. The infusion is a dark green color approaching black. The taste is deep and rich. If you are blessed with a nettle patch near you, use the fresh plant as a pot herb in the spring.
Some pregnant women alternate weeks of nettle and raspberry brews; others drink raspberry until the last month and then switch to nettles to ensure large amounts of vitamin K in the blood before birth.
The benefits of drinking nettle infusion before and throughout pregnancy include the following:
Aiding the kidneys: Nettle infusions were instrumental in rebuilding the kidneys of a woman who was told she would have to be put on a dialysis machine. Since the kidneys must cleanse 150 percent of the normal blood supply for most of the pregnancy, nettle's ability to nourish and strengthen them is of major importance. Any accumulation of minerals in the kidneys, such as gravel or stones, is gently loosened, dissolved and eliminated by the consistent use of nettle infusions.
Increasing fertility in women and men.
Nourishing mother and fetus.
Easing leg cramps and other spasms.
Diminishing pain during and after birth: The high calcium content, which is readily assimilated, helps diminish muscle pains in the uterus, in the legs and elsewhere.
Preventing hemorrhage after birth: Nettle is a superb source of vitamin K, and increases available hemoglobin, both of which decrease the likelihood of postpartum hemorrhage. Fresh Nettle Juice, in teaspoon doses, slows postpartum bleeding.
Reducing hemorrhoids: Nettle's mild astringency and general nourishing action tightens and strengthens blood vessels, helps maintain arterial elasticity and improves venous resilience.
Increasing the richness and amount of breast milk.
Of course calcium is a mineral, not an herbal tonic, but it is so important during pregnancy and throughout our woman lives that I consider it a tonic. Lack of adequate calcium during pregnancy is associated with muscle cramps, backache, high blood pressure, intense labor and afterbirth pains, osteoporosis, tooth problems, and pre-eclampsia.
Calcium assimilation is governed by exercise, stress, acidity during digestion, availability of Vitamin C, A and especially D, and availability of magnesium and phosphorous in the body and the diet. Getting 1000 to 2000 mg of calcium every day is not hard with the help of Wise Woman herbs:
The best food sources of calcium are fish, dairy products, but there is controversy about the assimilability of calcium from pasteurized, homogenized milk. My preferred food sources include goat milk and goat cheese, salmon, sardines, mackerel, seaweed (especially kelp), sesame salt (gomasio), tahini and dark leafy greens such as turnip tops, beet greens and kale.
There are roughly 200mg of calcium in two ounces of nuts (excluding peanuts), one ounce of dried seaweed, two ounces of carob powder, one ounce of cheese, half a cup of cooked greens, (kale, collards and especially dandelion), half a cup of milk, three eggs, four ounces of fish, or one tablespoon of molasses.
Most wild greens are exceptionally rich in calcium and the factors needed for calcium absorption and use. Lamb's quarters, mallow, galinsoga, shepherd's purse, knotweed, bidens, amaranth and dandelion leaves all supply more calcium per 100 grams than milk.
Bones soaked in apple cider vinegar release their calcium into the acidic vinegar. A tablespoon of this vinegar in a glass of water supplies needed calcium and relieves morning sickness too.
Many fruits are rich in calcium (though not as rich as the above foods). Dried dates, figs raisins, prunes, papaya and elderberries are the best source.
Raspberry leaf infusion contains calcium in its most assimilable form. Assimilation is further enhanced by the presence of phosphorous and vitamins A and C in the raspberry leaves.
Fresh parsley and watercress are available in most grocery stores year round. They are both good sources of many minerals and vitamins, including calcium, phosphorous, vitamin A and vitamin C.
Nettle Infusion supplies calcium and phosphorous, vitamin A and the vital vitamin D, in a readily assimilable form.
Foods that are thought to interfere with absorption of calcium should be avoided: spinach, chocolate, rhubarb and brewer's yeast.
Do not use bone meal or oyster shell tablets as sources of supplemental calcium. They have been found to be high in lead, mercury, cadmium and other toxic metals.
Squaw Vine (Mitchella repens), Blue Cohosh (Caulophyflum thalicotroides), and Black Cohosh (Cimicifuga racemosa) all should be avoided until the last 4 to 6 weeks of pregnancy. Even then, they should be used only when indicated, and under the supervision of someone experienced in their use. Some midwives report that the Cohoshes must be used together (not interchangeably). Others have reported premature labor when Blue Cohosh was taken in combination with Pennyroyal. False Unicorn Root (Helonias dioica), Dong Quai (Angelica spp.) and PN6 capsules are considered too strong for use during pregnancy.
I harvest the flowering stalks when they are fully formed; and I am careful to use the cultivated garden comfrey, which grows very tall and has purplish, pinkish, bluish flowers. I avoid wild comfrey, which stays rather small, even when flowering, and has cream-colored, white, or yellowish flowers.
Some people feel that comfrey is not safe to use during pregnancy. Some people feel comfrey is not safe to use internally at all. I disagree. The roots of comfrey do contain compounds that are best avoided during pregnancy (as do all parts of the wild plant). In fact, I rarely use comfrey root because of the possibility of liver congestion, and I strongly caution those who have had hepatitis, chemotherapy, or alcohol problems to strictly avoid comfrey root. Yet even these people can benefit from use of comfrey leaf infusions.
Another important herbal ally for women over forty who desire a child is chaste tree (Vitex agnus-castii). It has been used in Africa and parts of Europe for several thousand years to discourage the male libido. In women, the effects seem to be the opposite! It may also be a fertility enhancer. Most importantly, chaste tree is a strengthening tonic for the pituitary gland, the master control gland for the endocrine system. Daily use of the tincture of the berries (1 dropperful/1 ml 2-3 times daily) had been shown to increase progesterone - the hormone of pregnancy - and luteinizing hormone - which promotes conception. Because it can lower prolactin levels, chaste tree is best discontinued during the last trimester of pregnancyClick Here!.
Dong quai (Angelica sinensis) is not recommended for women over forty. In general, this herb promotes blood flow to the uterus and surrounding tissues. This can promote the growth of fibroids and increase the risk of post-partum hemorrhage. Ginger is a better warming tonic; motherwort is better at relieving pain; and raspberry is better at preparing the uterus for birth.
Legal Disclaimer: This content is not intended to replace conventional medical treatment. Any suggestions made and all herbs listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease, condition or symptom. Personal directions and use should be provided by a clinical herbalist or other qualified healthcare practitioner with a specific formula for you. All material contained herein is provided for general information purposes only and should not be considered medical advice or consultation. Contact a reputable healthcare practitioner if you are in need of medical care. Exercise self-empowerment by seeking a second opinion.
Susun Weed
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Woodstock, NY 12498
Fax: 1-845-246-8081
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