Sunday, May 24, 2009
The Seven Most Important Things You Can Do For Your Baby
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The 7 Most Important Things You Can Do For Your BabyID: 14589Category: Health - BabyAuthor: Article:As a mother myself, I know that the most important concern for most parents is making sure that our children are as healthy as they can be. We can’t control everything in our life; however here are 7 areas to consider when having a baby that are under your control. 1. Get A Healthy Start Nothing could be more important to ensure the health of your new baby than taking the best care of yourself before the baby is born. Good prenatal care, eating healthy, drinking enough water and minimizing your exposure to harmful substances all contribute to growing a healthy baby. Facts and Tips: • During pregnancy your body needs approximately 1500 mg daily of Calcium. Most of the prescription prenatal vitamin on the market have no more than 200 mg • Folic acid is a supplement known to help prevent Neural Tube Defects in babies. Studies show that you need to be taking 400-800mcg daily and the best time to start is 3 months prior to pregnancy If you are even considering pregnancy, take a prenatal vitamin daily. (Recommendation – Ultra Prenatal by Natures Plus) • 200-300mg of DHA daily during pregnancy: Current research suggests adequate levels of DHA may help increase a developing babys cognitive functioning, reduce the risk of pre-term labor and decrease the risk of postpartum depression. • Did you know that mercury passes through the placenta to the fetus? Avoid exposure to this toxin as much as you can. Exposure is cumulative and builds over your lifetime • In NJ, there are 30 standard Metabolic Screening tests performed on newborns. There are 50 available It doesn’t cost much to have ALL the tests performed on your baby, and I highly recommend that you have them done. How to get the whole Panel of tests. 2. Store you Baby’s Umbilical Cord Blood I am a huge advocate of cord blood banking and did so with both of my children. I know it’s a big investment, but I look at it as an insurance policy. Most likely you will never need it, but if you ever did you would spend your last dime to have it As a midwife, I have seen people you needed it and had it and those who needed it and didn’t. It was enough to make the decision to bank an easy one for our family. Facts and Tips: • Storing your newborns cord blood means that should there be a need, your baby will have a source of stem cells that is an exact match, with no risk of rejection. There is also a strong possibility that his/her siblings will be a match as well. This is important because clinical studies demonstrate that stem cell transplants are twice as successful when the stem cells come from a family member rather than from a non-relative (e.g., a public bank). • Today, cord blood stems cells are used in the treatment of over 70 life-threatening diseases, including a wide range of cancers, genetic diseases, immune system deficiencies, and blood disorders. • I recommend banking with a large national company such as Viacord or Cord Blood Registry, and not the smaller more local banks. You want to ensure that they will be around for the long term and you will have quick and easy access to your cells no matter where you are • Check out this Viacord coupon for $400 off Hurry, the deadline for enrollment is May 4th 3. Breastfeed your Baby What a surprise, I am advocating breastfeeding It is probably one of the most important things you can do for your child’s short and long term health, and it’s free I won’t discuss breastfeeding as some sort of “bonus” to your child, or the “ideal food”. To me it is just a baseline need. When we discuss the “benefits “of breast milk, we almost always refer to how it reduces the risk of various illnesses and chronic conditions such as obesity, diabetes, allergies, cancer and SIDS. There is nowhere else where we refer to the biological norm as some sort of “bonus”. We don’t say things like “not smoking reduces your risk of lung cancer” (that would be silly ); instead we know that “smoking increases your risk”. Why isn’t the same for breastfeeding? Breastfed babies have a normal risk for all of the conditions listed above, and not breastfeeding actually increases their risk Facts and Tips: • Any Breast milk is better than none Even if you just breastfed while in the hospital, you would be supplying your child with colostrum (a substance loaded with all your immunity) which passes right to your baby and reduces their risk of illness. Read more about the amazing benefits of colostrum • The Americal Academy of Pediatrics recommends exclusive breastfeding for the first 6 months of your baby’s life and then continuation until at least 1 year. • I believe that any breastfeeding is better than none It doesn’t have to be all or nothing. 4. Choose the Right Pediatrician Your pediatrician is your partner in the health of your baby/child and one of the most important decisions you will make. Make sure that you find someone you completely trust, and have the same basic philosophies as you about health. Ask your friends or people you trust who they are using, but in the end make the decision yourself based on your personal experience. If you are not happy, remember there are many different choices, and just because you started with someone in the hospital doesn’t mean you have to stay. I switched pediatricians three times until I found someone I was completely comfortable with Check out this article: “10 Questions to Ask When Choosing a Pediatrician” 5. Become Informed about Childhood Vaccinations Whether you are a strong believer in completely vaccinating your child, against the whole idea, or uncertain what all the controversy is all about; becoming knowledgeable and making an informed decision for your child is critical. It is one of the first decisions you will make and understanding your choices, risks and benefits will help you make the decision that is best for your family. Too many parents come into my shop every day and don’t even know what “shots” there child just had I find this to be irresponsible and unacceptable for the pediatrician and the parent. Learn more and understand what diseases the vaccines prevent, their effectiveness, what your risks are if you don’t stick to the schedule and what alternative options are available. Remember, this is your child and there long term well being is in your hands 10 Things You Need to Know about Immunizations and possible side-effects (Pro-Vaccine) A great holistic website with information about alternative health options (Anti-Vaccine) 6. Limit your Baby’s Exposure to Toxins and Chemicals We live in a world loaded with toxic chemicals. I am not saying we need to put our children in a bubble, but where ever you can limit their exposure the better off they will be. Chemicals can enter our bodies in several ways; through our skin, in our food and water, breathing it in, etc… Get informed about what chemicals are in the most common baby products and what to avoid. Recently the American Academy of Pediatrics warned parents about limiting their child’s exposure to something called Phthalates (pronounced th-al-ates) and Parabens (pronounced par-ah-bens); the former is a synthetic chemical used to make plastics flexible and stabilize fragrances in many consumer products (i.e. cosmetics) and the latter is a chemical preservative used in skin care products (i.e. shampoos, shaving and cleansing gels, lotions, topical pharmaceuticals and lubricants). In an article published in the February 2008 edition of the Official Journal of the American Academy of Pediatrics, the authors stated that “young infants are more vulnerable to the potential adverse effects of phthalates given their…metabolic capabilities, and developing endocrine and reproductive systems.” Facts and Tips: • Always use organic, non-chemical lotions, washes and creams on your baby and children. What you put on their skin will absorb into their bodies • Purchase an organic crib mattress. The fumes that are emitted off regular mattresses can be hazardous and your baby spends a lot of time in there, especially early on. • Be extremely careful of their exposure to Lead and over-exposure to Fluoride 7. Consider Cloth Diapers I know you are all thinking “Now she has lost it ” but when I learned about the toxic chemicals that are in our disposable diapers, I thought “I want a do-over ” I thought I was doing everything right when I had my babies; I breastfed, I ate healthy and organic food, I avoided harmful chemicals, and then they both sat in plastic for almost 4 years I just didn’t know what I know now. One of the most serious toxic chemicals present in disposable diapers is Dioxin, which in various forms has been shown to cause cancer, birth defects, liver damage, and skin diseases, is a by-product of the paper-bleaching process used in manufacturing disposable diapers, and trace quantities may exist in the diapers themselves. And what about the material that makes superabsorbent diapers so absorbent? If youve ever used disposable diapers, youve probably noticed beads of clear gel on your babys genitals after a diaper change. Superabsorbent diapers contain sodium polyacrylate, which absorbs up to 100 times its weight in water. Sodium polyacrylate is the same substance that was removed from tampons in 1985 because of its link to toxic shock syndrome. No studies have been done on the long-term effects of this chemical being in contact with a babys reproductive organs 24 hours a day for upwards of two years. Cloth diapering is not at all what you think So much easier than it sounds, much cheaper than your regular diapers, better for the environment and really cute Check out our cloth diapers and to learn more about cloth diapering join us for our awesome new workshop every other Tuesday evening. Want to Use An Article in Your E-Zine or Web Site? You can, as long as you include this complete tag with it: Nationally recognized breastfeeding expert and new parent educator, Shari Criso, stars in Simply Breastfeeding, a DVD program that helps parents learn the ins and outs of breastfeeding. She publishes the MyBabyExperts Parenting and Breastfeeding Tips email newsletter. If youre ready to give your baby the best, get your free subscription at Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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Early Pregnancy Symptoms In Women
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Early Pregnancy Symptoms In WomenID: 12431Category: Health - WomensAuthor: Article:There are commonalities between early PMS and Pregnancy Symptom(s). It is important that if you even suspect you might be pregnant, go to your doctor to find out and also to make sure there is no underlying cause if you arent pregnant. The commonalities that is shared between early PMS and pregnancy symptoms doesnt stop with the symptoms that might be presented. There may be some treatment protocols that are shared as well. More Frequent Urination - urinating more often is one of the very early signs of pregnancy. Many women experience more frequent urination even before a missed period, usually from about 7-12 days after the temperature rise at ovulation. The changes in hormone levels produced by implantation of the embryo, especially the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG), cause more frequent urination. Morning Sickness. This is common in the first trimester of pregnancy and the name comes from the fact that most women have nauseous feelings early in the morning. Nausea and queasiness can occur though at any time of the day or night. You may also develop an aversion to foods you once loved to eat or to the smell of certain foods being cooked. These food aversions and the nausea are not harmful and are a normal part of carrying a baby in the womb. The sick feelings tend to abate at about the 13th or 14th week, although some women continue to feel sick all through the pregnancy. Some helpful hints include having dry crackers ready to settle your stomach and eating small meals more often so that you dont feel hungry. Tender and Enlarged Breasts - very early in pregnancy, the body begins making a series of changes in the normal hormone levels. However, the woman’s body is unprepared for these changes when they first occur. There are several changes that will happen in the body in reaction to new hormone levels. One of the most noticable changes occur in the shape of and feelings of tenderness in the breasts. The good news is that these feelings of tenderness go away fairly quickly as the body becomes accustomed to the new hormone chemistry. Urge to urinate During pregnancy, your spouses body will release the hormone human chorionic gonadotropin (hCG) that induces increased urination. Her frequent bathroom visits may actually be something to be happy about. Constipation, irritating behavior pattern, indigestion, changes in the texture of your complexion and increased cervical mucous are all early pregnancy symptoms. To know more about early stages of pregnancy, you can always read pregnancy journals to have a clear and better understanding. It can be surprising but weight loss during the first trimester of pregnancy can also be an early pregnancy symptom. Pregnancy health issues are something which every woman should know, either through journals or by consulting a doctor. Heart burns Some women experience heart burns very early in the pregnancy. How hurt burn could be related to pregnancy? The answer is that the expanding uterus puts pressure upward as well. Furthermore the increased level of hormones hampers the process of digestion. This results in increase in stomach acids which in turn leads to acidity and heart burns. Missing Of Periods – Periods being overdue is what most of the pregnant women consider as the surest signal of pregnancy. However, there can be other factors that lead to a missed period like stress, travel, etc. Besides, when you notice a missed or delay in periods, you are already one or few weeks pregnant, so look for other typical early pregnancy symptoms to confirm your pregnancy. Visit a href= Home Remedies /a and a href= Herbal Supplements /a . Also visit a href= Breast Enlargement /a Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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Pregnancy Calendar;Know The Importance
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Pregnancy Calendar: - Know the ImportanceID: 7029Category: Health - PregnancyAuthor: Article:A pregnancy calendar is a day by day record of the early pregnancy symptom, pregnancy symptom and other sign of pregnancy. A pregnancy calendar can help track your progress as well as provide invaluable memories of your pregnancy. Pregnancy calendars are usually based on a 40 week pregnancy, although in situations where you expect a longer or shorter gestation period you can have them customized. The journey of pregnancy is no doubt an enjoyable experience, irrespective of the pain one suffer. Motherhood is a privilege of women. And pregnancy week by week reports can make this journey even more enthralling. Maintain a weekly pregnant calendar that will cover all information regarding your visits to doctors, health related issues, child’s development and mood swings and so on. Remember, just visiting to a doctor does not complete your pregnancy week by week calendar. You need to pen down everything, right from conceiving to the time when the baby will actually finish dropping on its resting place. It is time to welcome your new born child. We have an expert team who always be ready to help the parents. There is no doubt Parents as well as children feel at home and relax in Kidpsot – with hundreds of thousands of parents with their children in Australia visiting Kidspot each and every month. At KIDSPOT you will get wonderful products with wonderful stories, for the children. Through the range like Kids activities, Pregnancy Calendar, Kids Clothing, Childrens activities, Pregnancy Resources, Baby furniture sale, Educational toys, used baby furniture. Pty Ltd is headquartered in Melbourne, Australia and privately owned. Contact Us:- Kidspot Pty Ltd ABN: 48 111 607 866 L5, 14 Queens Rd Melbourne, Vic 3004 Australia Phone: 1300 724 575 Fax: 03 8640 0647 Email: htpp:// Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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Healthy Diet During Pregnancy can make Your Children Healthy and Smart
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Healthy diet during pregnancy ca n make your children Healthy and smartID: 4943Category: Home - ParentingAuthor: Article:Does malnutrition affect only the body or even the brain? When is the crucial stages in childs brain development? These are the questions that are often asked and questions by us especially the first time mother or expecting to be a mother. It has been discovered that the crucial stage of brain growth development is at the time when the brain is at its peak of development. This occurs near the middle of the pregnancy period and ends between a childs second and third birthday. After giving birth most mothers tend to count the toes, fingers, eyes and ears of their newborn, but it took several years before the mother will discover that her son or daughter is mentally fit, genius or dull child. Childs brain should be the top concern of the mothers, because it is the hardest things to detect during and after pregnancy. Before the women discovered that she is pregnant the brain cell division and development is already taking place in her womb. Thus, proper nutrition should begin even before the pregnancy. Good nutrients should be available not only during pregnancy but also before pregnancy. That is why most of the doctors advice to women to take vitamins if she has the plan in getting pregnant. The development of babys brain happen only at a certain time in his life. Moreover, if the nutrients are not provide during the full growth of the brain, the opportunity of making your child to be smart are lost forever. Then, these important vitamins and minerals needed by the baby should be provided by her mother during pregnancy to avoid slow learning of child after birth. Good nutrition is important, since brain growth--like the growth of the rest of the fetus body--is influenced by the quality of a pregnant womans diet. Iron Iron is the most essential in the body and in brain cells, it prevents imbalances of enzymes and neurotransmitters in the brain. Without enough iron, the body cant make enough red blood cell. The red blood cells is in charge to deliver oxygen to all its cells and through out the body so that tissues and organs can function well. Babies with low levels of iron may grow up with brain deficiencies. Iron and calcium is needed by a fast growing fetus. Iodine It is essential for the formation of hormones that regulates the brain metabolism. Iodine is vital for good thyroid function, which in turn is essential for health. Iodine deficiency during pregnancy and early infancy can result in mental retardation and severe motor impairments. Folate It makes the building of cell tissues in the brain possible. Folate and folic acid are forms of a water-soluble B vitamin. Folate occurs naturally in food. Folic acid is the synthetic form of this vitamin that is found in supplements and fortified foods. Green leafy vegetables, dry beans and peas, and many other types of vegetables and fruits are good sources of folate. In addition, fortified foods are a major source of folic acid. It is not unusual to find foods such as cereals fortified with 100 percent of the RDA for folate. Folate helps produce and maintain new cells. This is especially important during periods of rapid cell division and growth such as infancy and pregnancy. Folate is needed to make DNA and RNA, the building blocks of cells. It also helps prevent changes to DNA that may lead to cancer. It is strongly needed at the start of the pregnancy to avoid serious birth defect. It is needed for the closing of the fetus neural tube. Taurine An amino acid called taurine has also role in the development of the brain and the retina of the eyes of an infant. This is found in the human body. It was discovered that the fetal brain of the unborn children constrained a large amount of taurine transferred from the mother to the fetus by way of the placenta, taurine is also found in human milk or breast milk. Research studies have indicated that taurine helps the human brain growth spurt and promotes normal eyes retina function and this may be a diet very essential for some infants. Seventy percent of persons cell formation happens in the womb. As a mother, you have the power to ensure that your baby gets what he needs at the stage when he needs it most. The right amount of EFAs, iron, iodine, and folate as early as possible in your pregnancy will pave the way to a bright future for your child. Its a chance of a lifetime. A portion of the brain that controls motor coordination seems to be the part affected by a child who is malnourished at this stage. This may cause some motor imbalance in the child and more often diagnosed by doctors as minimal cerebral dysfunction or clumsy child. Thus, it is important for a pregnant women and mothers to eat healthy diet, in order to lessen your worries whether your child a healthy baby or will have a health defects. Darlyn T. Osanastre is a former mother who did a battle in raising her daughter and won with the help of some parenting website you can get all the information about parenting and develop long lasting friendship with other moms. Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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The Different Types of Twin Pregnancies
ID: 3546Category: Health - WomensAuthor: Article:Twins can be the same (identical-monozygotic) or different (fraternal-dizygotic). Fraternal twins, triplets, or more develop when two or more eggs are fertilized by separate sperm. Fraternal fetuses have separate placentas and amniotic sacs (the bag containing the fluid around a baby). Identical twins come from a single egg that has been fertilized by one sperm. For unknown reasons, the fertilized egg splits into two or more embryos during the first stage of development. Some identical twins share the same placenta. However, they usually grow within separate amniotic sacs in the uterus. In rare cases, identical twins share one amniotic sac (monoamniotic). Fraternal multiples: 1. Can be of different sexes and may have different blood types. 2. They may look very different from one another, with different-coloured hair and eyes. They may also look alike, as siblings often do. 3. Tend to run in families. 4. They are more common in older mothers, African races and when there is a family history of twins. They are least common in Asian families. If you have already carried fraternal twins, you have double the usual risk of having twins. A history on your partners side of the family does not increase your risk of multiple pregnancy. Identical twins 1. Are always the same sex and blood type. 2. They do not necessarily look exactly alike. One may be right-handed while the other is left-handed. 3. They develop at random. They are not related to maternal age, race, or family history of twins. 4. Multiples that are conceived with infertility treatment are usually fraternal, rather than identical. What are the causes of multiple pregnancy? 1. With increasing maternal age the chance of twins increases. To put it in perspective, your chance of giving birth to twins if you are less than 25 years of age is less than half of what it would be after the age of 35. 2. You are more likely to conceive twins in the first few menstrual cycles after stopping birth control pills. 3. Infertility treatment. Fertility drugs stimulate your ovaries to release multiple eggs, which can be fertilized at once. This may result in a multiple pregnancy. You are, therefore, more likely to have a multiple pregnancy if you use fertility drugs or assisted reproductive technology (ART - In Vitro Fertilization IVF). 4. ART is the transfer of embryos directly into the uterus. In the early days, when success rates were extremely low, several embryos were transferred in the hope of achieving a pregnancy. Nowadays, 25% to 30% of pregnancies from ART are twins; 5% are triplets and less than 1% are quadruplets or more. As techniques have improved, success rates from IVF/embryo transfer have increased and reasonable success rates are being achieved with single embryo transfer and this reduces the incidence of multiple pregnancies. What is the prevalence of multiple pregnancy? The natural incidence of twins is 1 in 80 pregnancies and for triplets 1 in 8000 pregnancies. The incidence is rising as a result of IVF and a tendency for women to deliver later in their reproductive years. Naturally occurring quadruplet births occur in 1 per 600,000 births. The UK would, therefore, expect one set of naturally occurring quadruplets each year. There are estimated to be approximately 125 million human twins and triplets in the world, and just 10 million identical twins. One in two pregnancies with same sex babies are monozygous (identical twins). The rate of identical twins remains at about 1 in 333 pregnancies across the globe. David A Viniker MD FRCOG is a London Consultant in OB/GYN who strongly supports patient choice. You are welcome to visit his websites which explain the pros and cons of the various options for women’s health, pregnancy and childbirth: a href= a href=
The Symptoms of Pregnancy with Twins
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The Symptoms of Pregnancy with TwinsID: 3529Category: Health - WomensAuthor: Article:If your pregnancy symptoms are earlier and more pronounced than youd normally expect, you may be carrying a twin pregnancy. However, only a health professional can tell for sure. 1. You just feel that you are carrying more than one baby. Some mothers of twins (or higher order multiples) say that they knew right from the start that they were carrying more than one baby. 2. You experience more nausea and/or morning sickness. If you are having more than one baby, you may have an elevated hCG level (hCG is a pregnancy related hormone). This hormone is the one associated with morning sickness. 3. Other typical pregnancy symptoms may be exaggerated. Many women -- but not all -- who are pregnant with twins have more intense pregnancy symptoms, probably related to the extra hormones circulating through their system. You may find that your breasts are extremely tender, you have to urinate frequently, you are hungry all the time and you are always very tired. 4. A higher than average weight gain in the first 16 weeks may be your first clue that youre carrying more than one baby. Good weight gain in early twin pregnancy is associated with a favourable outcome. With each additional fetus a woman carries, the range of weight gain will increase. For example, a woman who starts a pregnancy in a healthy weight range might expect her weight gain to be as follows: One fetus, 11 kg (24 lb) to 16 kg (35 lb) Twins, 16 kg (35 lb) to 20 kg (44 lb) Triplets, 20 kg (44 lb) to 23 kg (51 lb) Quads, 23 kg (51 lb) to 25 kg (55 lb) 5. Your uterus seems large for gestational age. If your last menstrual period indicates an eight-week gestation, your uterus may feel more like 10 to 12 weeks to your obstetrician. This may prompt a request for an ultrasound examination. 6. You are told that you have elevated levels of AFP. AFP is one of the chemicals tested to screen for Down’s syndrome and spina bifida abnormalities. AFP levels are higher in twin pregnancies. 7. Your health care provider hears two fetal heartbeats. Two separate heartbeats can be distinguishable with a Doppler in your care providers office from around 18 weeks. At around 28 weeks, it may be possible to differentiate two fetal heads and multiple small parts when doing an abdominal exam. 8. You have a positive ultrasound. If you believe you are pregnant with twins, an ultrasound can be performed quite early in pregnancy. With a skilled ultrasonographer, two gestational sacs, two embryos and two distinct fetal heartbeats can be seen six weeks after the first day of the last menstrual period. Many twins have been diagnosed as early as five weeks -- when youre just one week late for your menstrual period. 9. In later pregnancy, you may experience difficulty catching your breath, swelling (oedema) of the hands and legs, an unusual rate of weight gain and abdominal enlargement and excessive fetal movement. Anaemia or low iron (decreased haemoglobin) is also common with twin and multiple pregnancies. 10. There is considerable disagreement among medical professionals as to whether a woman carrying twins is more likely to feel movement earlier. But many mothers do claim that those early flutters and flips were their first clue that they might be having more than one. David A Viniker MD FRCOG is a London Consultant in OB/GYN who strongly supports patient choice. You are welcome to visit his websites which explain the pros and cons of the various options for women’s health, pregnancy and childbirth: a href= a href= Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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When You Are Pregnant and You Have Emhysema
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When You¡¯re Pregnant and You Have EmphysemaID: 3185Category: HealthAuthor: Article:p Pregnancy is usually one of the happiest times of a womans life; but if youre also suffering emphysema symptoms, you may be concerned about what emphysema treatments are available. After all, you dont want to risk taking anything that could potentially harm your unborn child. /p p Fortunately, there are a number of holistic, healthy b a href= emphysema treatments /a /b that you can employ during the nine months that youll carry your son or daughter. Below is just a sample of the many natural ways to treat emphysema symptoms without causing difficulties with your pregnancy. /p p b Mild-to-Moderate Exercise for Emphysema Treatment /b /p p Because b a href= emphysema symptoms /a /b affect your breathing, you may have tried to avoid exercise; however, though it may sound counterintuitive, you should attempt to at least follow a low-impact walking program as an emphysema treatment method. /p p Pregnancy can also make you feel short of breath, but its generally a good idea to try to move your body whenever possible (as long as your physician does not feel it would compromise the oxygen to your child.) Start small and work your way up - even just strolling down the street and back to your front door will make a difference. /p p b Staying Clear of Airborne Pollutants to Avoid Emphysema Symptoms /b /p p If youre already having difficulty breathing, the last thing you need is to be in polluted air. So an excellent way to combat emphysema symptoms is to make sure you live and work in a very clean environment. And of course, your baby wont be exposed to those airborne toxins either, which is a nice side-effect of this emphysema treatment. /p p For instance, dusting regularly and vacuuming daily can greatly decrease the frequency and intensity of your b a href= emphysema /a /b symptoms. Additionally, you may want to invest in an ionic air cleaner, as many have sworn by this emphysema treatment. /p p Finally, you may want to avoid going outside when pollen counts are particularly high (as they are in the morning or on hot, dry days.) If you must leave your home and be out-of-doors for a substantially long time, a face mask can be an inexpensive way to prevent emphysema symptoms. /p p b Natural Emphysema Treatment: Take Magnesium /b /p p If youre not getting enough magnesium, you should probably consider switching to a multi vitamin or special emphysema treatment that contains this essential element. Its long been suspected that magnesium plays a part in keeping cells young and healthy and new studies have shown that magnesium has decreased emphysema symptoms in many patients. /p p Besides, babies need magnesium (as well as other vitamins and minerals); as long as you arent taking toxically high amounts, you will be doing yourself and your unborn offspring good. /p p In the end, youll have a more pleasant pregnancy and be a less taxed Mommy when your delivery day comes. And your emphysema will have taken a backseat to your new role as a devoted parent thanks to holistic emphysema treatments that are readily available. /p p Author Bio: /p p Mitamins team /p p /p p Emphysema - Find Authoritative Natural Treatment Information, Plus Vitamins and Nutritional Supplements for Supporting Emphysema Treatments, Symptoms, Causes. /p p b a href= vitamin support for emphysema treatments /a /b /p Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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Vitamin C and Pregnancy - Help For Smoking MomsID: 574Category: Health - WomensAuthor: Article:Whilst most women are aware of the negative effects smoking whilst pregnant can have on their developing baby, many still cannot give up. The good news is that researchers believe that taking vitamin C can counteract some of these effects. Smoking during pregnancy can lead to premature delivery of the baby, poor growth, and in some instances, is implicated in fetal deaths. It can also affect the way the infants lungs develop, as nicotine can cross the placenta. As a result, babies may have less lung function and develop more respiratory illnesses. But a group of researchers at the Oregon Health & Science University found that in baby monkeys given both nicotine and vitamin C, the flow of air in the lungs was close to normal. There were three groups of pregnant monkeys in the study - one group was given only nicotine, one given neither nicotine nor vitamin C, and one group given both. The nicotine given was comparable to that which a pregnant mother would smoke. The group given nothing acted as the control group. Whilst this study was done on monkeys, the team behind the study believe that the results are very relevant to humans. But more work needs to be done to determine how much vitamin C is needed for smoking pregnant mothers to get similar benefits. And to ensure that higher amounts of vitamin C during pregnancy doesnt cause other unwanted effects. The researchers did stress that despite the positive benefits of vitamin C during pregnancy, it did not counteract all of smokings negative effects on the fetus. For example, lower body weight and nicotines effect on brain development were still a potential issue. Another benefit of taking vitamin C during pregnancy is that it may decrease the chance of their waters breaking too early. This is true for all women irrespective of whether they are smokers or not. This research was done by a team in Mexico at the National Institute of Perinatology, this time on humans. The women in this study were either given a placebo or 100mg of vitamin C per day. And the group who received the vitamin C had a lot less instances where their waters broke early. This meant less premature births with the associated risk of infections. The women in the study received the vitamin C from the 20th week of pregnancy until they gave birth. Vitamin C helps maintain the collagen in the membranes that hold the amniotic fluid in place. References: 1. 2. If youd like to a href= target= _new learn more about vitamin C /a , including the different forms this supplement is available in, check out this article. And for a href= target= _new herb pregnancy advice /a on which herbs to avoid and which can reduce the effects of morning sickness, see this article. For general a href= target= _new herb and supplement information /a , click here. Article Source: http://www.easyezinearticles.comAuthor Info:Email the Author:
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Thursday, May 14, 2009
Common Myths About Pregnancy.
How to Lose Weight Gained During PregnancyBy []Ivonna Boss
During pregnancy, it's standard to gain weight. Even those extremely skinny women gain the weight, but how to lose weight gained during pregnancy is another great questions and it all starts with two things...Exercise and the right diet...Now don't run of, I know most people don't like to exercise and they have a fear of diets, but this is going to be a little different.if they are pregnant they can eat everything Now we all know, that food is our fuel, and we cannot function without it. However, one of the most common misconceptions among women is that they want. Even then, you are advised to stay away from unhealthy food items like junk food, soda, food rich in fat or any kind of synthetically manufactured food. And we do indulged! Now is the time to lose weight gained during pregnancy!
For most women, the breastfeeding will help you lose 15 to 20 pounds with the appropriate diet off course. It is the most known fact that breastfeeding helps you burn extra 500 calories a day. Nevertheless, that alone will not be enough for anyone who gained more than 20 pounds. Keep in mind, your body has become weak. Many women experience the lower back problem after pregnancy. This is because your muscles are weak now. So you need to work on building your muscles.
In your diet plan, in order to lose weight gained during pregnancy, you need to be careful what you eat. Load your kitchen with the healthy foods such as the fruits, and vegetables, nuts and lean meat. These foods help you lose weight. Say good bye to ice cream, and the chips. It was not good for you before, and it is not good for you now.
Make sure you don't eat only 2 large meals a day, but rather divide them into six small meals a day. This kind of eating habit helps you speed up your metabolism.
While you are at it, any aerobic exercise can help. Or when the weather permits, take your baby to the park. You will feel a lot better moving again, not to mention the burning of calories, and you will gain the opportunity to show everybody what an adorable baby you have brought into the world.
And if you cannot find the time (all it really takes is about 30 min. a day) , it is not a shame to ask for some help. Your friends or your family will always be happy to help you with anything since this way they get to have your little one all to themselves. This kind of a support is going to help you a lot in order to lose the weight gained during pregnancy!
If you wonder why you are doing this, here is the answer. You need to []speed up your metabolism in order to lose []weight after pregnancy!
Article Source:
During pregnancy, it's standard to gain weight. Even those extremely skinny women gain the weight, but how to lose weight gained during pregnancy is another great questions and it all starts with two things...Exercise and the right diet...Now don't run of, I know most people don't like to exercise and they have a fear of diets, but this is going to be a little different.if they are pregnant they can eat everything Now we all know, that food is our fuel, and we cannot function without it. However, one of the most common misconceptions among women is that they want. Even then, you are advised to stay away from unhealthy food items like junk food, soda, food rich in fat or any kind of synthetically manufactured food. And we do indulged! Now is the time to lose weight gained during pregnancy!
For most women, the breastfeeding will help you lose 15 to 20 pounds with the appropriate diet off course. It is the most known fact that breastfeeding helps you burn extra 500 calories a day. Nevertheless, that alone will not be enough for anyone who gained more than 20 pounds. Keep in mind, your body has become weak. Many women experience the lower back problem after pregnancy. This is because your muscles are weak now. So you need to work on building your muscles.
In your diet plan, in order to lose weight gained during pregnancy, you need to be careful what you eat. Load your kitchen with the healthy foods such as the fruits, and vegetables, nuts and lean meat. These foods help you lose weight. Say good bye to ice cream, and the chips. It was not good for you before, and it is not good for you now.
Make sure you don't eat only 2 large meals a day, but rather divide them into six small meals a day. This kind of eating habit helps you speed up your metabolism.
While you are at it, any aerobic exercise can help. Or when the weather permits, take your baby to the park. You will feel a lot better moving again, not to mention the burning of calories, and you will gain the opportunity to show everybody what an adorable baby you have brought into the world.
And if you cannot find the time (all it really takes is about 30 min. a day) , it is not a shame to ask for some help. Your friends or your family will always be happy to help you with anything since this way they get to have your little one all to themselves. This kind of a support is going to help you a lot in order to lose the weight gained during pregnancy!
If you wonder why you are doing this, here is the answer. You need to []speed up your metabolism in order to lose []weight after pregnancy!
Article Source:
How to Lose Weight Gained During Pregnancy
How to Lose Weight Gained During PregnancyBy []Ivonna Boss
During pregnancy, it's standard to gain weight. Even those extremely skinny women gain the weight, but how to lose weight gained during pregnancy is another great questions and it all starts with two things...Exercise and the right diet...Now don't run of, I know most people don't like to exercise and they have a fear of diets, but this is going to be a little different.if they are pregnant they can eat everything Now we all know, that food is our fuel, and we cannot function without it. However, one of the most common misconceptions among women is that they want. Even then, you are advised to stay away from unhealthy food items like junk food, soda, food rich in fat or any kind of synthetically manufactured food. And we do indulged! Now is the time to lose weight gained during pregnancy!
For most women, the breastfeeding will help you lose 15 to 20 pounds with the appropriate diet off course. It is the most known fact that breastfeeding helps you burn extra 500 calories a day. Nevertheless, that alone will not be enough for anyone who gained more than 20 pounds. Keep in mind, your body has become weak. Many women experience the lower back problem after pregnancy. This is because your muscles are weak now. So you need to work on building your muscles.
In your diet plan, in order to lose weight gained during pregnancy, you need to be careful what you eat. Load your kitchen with the healthy foods such as the fruits, and vegetables, nuts and lean meat. These foods help you lose weight. Say good bye to ice cream, and the chips. It was not good for you before, and it is not good for you now.
Make sure you don't eat only 2 large meals a day, but rather divide them into six small meals a day. This kind of eating habit helps you speed up your metabolism.
While you are at it, any aerobic exercise can help. Or when the weather permits, take your baby to the park. You will feel a lot better moving again, not to mention the burning of calories, and you will gain the opportunity to show everybody what an adorable baby you have brought into the world.
And if you cannot find the time (all it really takes is about 30 min. a day) , it is not a shame to ask for some help. Your friends or your family will always be happy to help you with anything since this way they get to have your little one all to themselves. This kind of a support is going to help you a lot in order to lose the weight gained during pregnancy!
If you wonder why you are doing this, here is the answer. You need to []speed up your metabolism in order to lose []weight after pregnancy!
Article Source:
During pregnancy, it's standard to gain weight. Even those extremely skinny women gain the weight, but how to lose weight gained during pregnancy is another great questions and it all starts with two things...Exercise and the right diet...Now don't run of, I know most people don't like to exercise and they have a fear of diets, but this is going to be a little different.if they are pregnant they can eat everything Now we all know, that food is our fuel, and we cannot function without it. However, one of the most common misconceptions among women is that they want. Even then, you are advised to stay away from unhealthy food items like junk food, soda, food rich in fat or any kind of synthetically manufactured food. And we do indulged! Now is the time to lose weight gained during pregnancy!
For most women, the breastfeeding will help you lose 15 to 20 pounds with the appropriate diet off course. It is the most known fact that breastfeeding helps you burn extra 500 calories a day. Nevertheless, that alone will not be enough for anyone who gained more than 20 pounds. Keep in mind, your body has become weak. Many women experience the lower back problem after pregnancy. This is because your muscles are weak now. So you need to work on building your muscles.
In your diet plan, in order to lose weight gained during pregnancy, you need to be careful what you eat. Load your kitchen with the healthy foods such as the fruits, and vegetables, nuts and lean meat. These foods help you lose weight. Say good bye to ice cream, and the chips. It was not good for you before, and it is not good for you now.
Make sure you don't eat only 2 large meals a day, but rather divide them into six small meals a day. This kind of eating habit helps you speed up your metabolism.
While you are at it, any aerobic exercise can help. Or when the weather permits, take your baby to the park. You will feel a lot better moving again, not to mention the burning of calories, and you will gain the opportunity to show everybody what an adorable baby you have brought into the world.
And if you cannot find the time (all it really takes is about 30 min. a day) , it is not a shame to ask for some help. Your friends or your family will always be happy to help you with anything since this way they get to have your little one all to themselves. This kind of a support is going to help you a lot in order to lose the weight gained during pregnancy!
If you wonder why you are doing this, here is the answer. You need to []speed up your metabolism in order to lose []weight after pregnancy!
Article Source:
Friday, May 8, 2009
Stages Of Pregnancy - What To Watch Out For
Stages Of Pregnancy - What To Watch Out ForBy []Judy Wellsworth
Knowing about the different stages of pregnancy will help you prepare for what lies ahead during this very important time in your life. There are basically three stages of pregnancy, and various bodily changes can be experienced during each one.
As your body changes, so does the baby develop. Each stage features a new milestone in the baby's growth, and you should be aware of when these things happen so that your nine-months of pregnancy could be a memorable and fruitful experience.
During the first trimester, you will experience the greatest effects of the hormonal changes in your body while your baby goes through the most critical stages of his development.
At this time, you start to experience morning sickness - a phenomenon caused by nausea and vomiting, usually occuring after you wake up in the morning. Some mothers never experience a single bout of morning sickness, while some curse this stage of pregnancy to high heavens.
It is also during this stage of pregnancy that your breasts start to swell and are tender to touch. You also will want to sleep many times during the day, despite getting a full night's sleep.
During this first stage of pregnancy, you will strangely look for certain kinds of food - some oddly not even close to what you preferred to eat while you were pregnant. Other preferences could even include foods that are impossible to obtain or are out of season!
Although your baby grows during all stages of pregnancy, the first trimester is critical because this is when its major organs and body parts are formed. It is also when the neural tube and the brain develops, and thus if the mother is exposed to various infections at this time, there is a great possibility of the child having congenital anomalies.
The second trimester arrives like a blessing because this is when your morning sickness would have dissipated. It is at this stage of pregnancy when you could start enjoying your life because you have by now grown accustomed to carrying the extra weight.
You can also resume your regular exercises as soon as your doctor gives you the blessing. And since you have already "come to terms" with your condition by this time, it is also that stage of pregnancy when you can enjoy shopping for flattering maternity wear.
You could continue experiencing headaches or backaches, but these are of course natural. Maintain a healthy diet packed with fruits and vegetables, and religiously take the supplements which your doctor has prescribed.
When you finally reach the last stage of pregnancy - the third trimester - you will be able to enjoy your condition more despite all the discomforts. You can feel the baby's kicks and can even ask to know what your baby's gender is. This is an exciting time as you also begin purchasing stuff that you will need for the new arrival.
During the last of the 3 stages of pregnancy, you may again have feelings of anxiety, knowing that the day of reckoning is imminent. Relax and don't let tense feelings overcome you. Enjoin a partner to accompany you to childbirth or Lamaze classes.
Read about the first signs of labor so you won't get caught flat-footed. Remember, even if you're given a due date, women tend to go into a labor up to a couple of weeks before or after that date.
Keep a journal of your wonderful experiences as you go through these three stages of []pregnancy You will definitely be riding a rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes, but when you write about it, your mind will be focused away from the negative vibes and you can even share your thoughs with others who are similarly pregnant like you.
You can also find more info on []pregnancy and []pregnancy tests is a comprehensive resource to know more about pregnancy.
Article Source:
Knowing about the different stages of pregnancy will help you prepare for what lies ahead during this very important time in your life. There are basically three stages of pregnancy, and various bodily changes can be experienced during each one.
As your body changes, so does the baby develop. Each stage features a new milestone in the baby's growth, and you should be aware of when these things happen so that your nine-months of pregnancy could be a memorable and fruitful experience.
During the first trimester, you will experience the greatest effects of the hormonal changes in your body while your baby goes through the most critical stages of his development.
At this time, you start to experience morning sickness - a phenomenon caused by nausea and vomiting, usually occuring after you wake up in the morning. Some mothers never experience a single bout of morning sickness, while some curse this stage of pregnancy to high heavens.
It is also during this stage of pregnancy that your breasts start to swell and are tender to touch. You also will want to sleep many times during the day, despite getting a full night's sleep.
During this first stage of pregnancy, you will strangely look for certain kinds of food - some oddly not even close to what you preferred to eat while you were pregnant. Other preferences could even include foods that are impossible to obtain or are out of season!
Although your baby grows during all stages of pregnancy, the first trimester is critical because this is when its major organs and body parts are formed. It is also when the neural tube and the brain develops, and thus if the mother is exposed to various infections at this time, there is a great possibility of the child having congenital anomalies.
The second trimester arrives like a blessing because this is when your morning sickness would have dissipated. It is at this stage of pregnancy when you could start enjoying your life because you have by now grown accustomed to carrying the extra weight.
You can also resume your regular exercises as soon as your doctor gives you the blessing. And since you have already "come to terms" with your condition by this time, it is also that stage of pregnancy when you can enjoy shopping for flattering maternity wear.
You could continue experiencing headaches or backaches, but these are of course natural. Maintain a healthy diet packed with fruits and vegetables, and religiously take the supplements which your doctor has prescribed.
When you finally reach the last stage of pregnancy - the third trimester - you will be able to enjoy your condition more despite all the discomforts. You can feel the baby's kicks and can even ask to know what your baby's gender is. This is an exciting time as you also begin purchasing stuff that you will need for the new arrival.
During the last of the 3 stages of pregnancy, you may again have feelings of anxiety, knowing that the day of reckoning is imminent. Relax and don't let tense feelings overcome you. Enjoin a partner to accompany you to childbirth or Lamaze classes.
Read about the first signs of labor so you won't get caught flat-footed. Remember, even if you're given a due date, women tend to go into a labor up to a couple of weeks before or after that date.
Keep a journal of your wonderful experiences as you go through these three stages of []pregnancy You will definitely be riding a rollercoaster of emotions and physical changes, but when you write about it, your mind will be focused away from the negative vibes and you can even share your thoughs with others who are similarly pregnant like you.
You can also find more info on []pregnancy and []pregnancy tests is a comprehensive resource to know more about pregnancy.
Article Source:
pregnancy and birth,
pregnancy tests
Get To Know About Ectopic Pregnancy
Get To Know About Ectopic PregnancyBy []Apurva Shree
Ectopic Pregnancy is commonly known as tubular pregnancy. The word 'Ectopic' stands for body part found in an unusual position. As a woman it is important for you to know about it because it is difficult to detect. Know more about it here.
What Happens In An Ectopic Pregnancy?
Normally a fertilized egg implants itself inside the womb (uterus). It attaches itself to tissues other than the lining of the womb. The most common occurrence is in the fallopian tube. It can also happen in the cervix, or in any organ in the pelvic region. In the initial stages the woman experiences only the normal early symptoms. But when the egg grows bigger you start experiencing the other various symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms?
You must know that the fetus can be nurtured only in the womb. Therefore in most cases, the body rejects this abnormal pregnancy by spontaneous miscarriage. When this does not happen, medical intervention is required. Check out for any sign of ectopic pregnancy.
Abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms. This pain can be constant and severe and its onset, sudden. This happens when the egg grows in size.Shoulder pain, which intensifies while breathing is an alternative symptom.Pain during visits to the bathroom.Vaginal bleeding different from normal periods.Diarrhea, paleness, lightheadedness, collapsing.Increasing pulse rate, falling blood pressure.
If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, rush to your doctor for immediate help. Your doctor will confirm it through internal examination or an ultrasound.
What Are The Reasons?
As explained earlier, the fertilized egg implants itself outside the womb and starts developing there. If it occurs in the fallopian tubes, it can cause bursting or damage of the tubes. Bursting of the tube is a life-threatening situation. Risk of such pregnancy increases with following factors.
Already damaged fallopian tube(s) due infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease or by previous surgery, scar tissue.Previous ectopic pregnancies.Getting pregnant when on contraceptive-coil or certain types of contraceptive pill. Pregnancies through test tube methods. Even though fertilized egg is placed directly in the uterus it can attach itself elsewhere.
What Are The Treatments?
If you are lucky with a natural miscarriage, that is great. If you are not so, medication and or surgical intervention are the only solutions. With present day technologies, it is much easier to detect and treat this condition. However methods are not available to transplant the egg from the wrong position to the uterus. The doctor can only get rid of the wrongly positioned egg from your body.
We advise you to do your homework too. Read and understand more on all issues related, to avoid panic. It is more beneficial if you do this as you plan for pregnancy.
An abnormal pregnancy period like this followed by surgical intervention can be devastating for a mother-to-be. But the reassuring fact is that most women go on to have normal pregnancies when they attempt later. It is advisable to give a gap of few cycles before getting pregnant again. Let it not happen to you. But be prepared if you find yourself with an ectopic pregnancy. []Ectopic pregnancy is a big risk to your life. On getting pregnant look out for the symptoms of early []pregnancy. Be knowledgeable about the []signs of ectopic pregnancy. If you fear that you have an ectopic pregnancy, consult a doctor at once.
Article Source:
Ectopic Pregnancy is commonly known as tubular pregnancy. The word 'Ectopic' stands for body part found in an unusual position. As a woman it is important for you to know about it because it is difficult to detect. Know more about it here.
What Happens In An Ectopic Pregnancy?
Normally a fertilized egg implants itself inside the womb (uterus). It attaches itself to tissues other than the lining of the womb. The most common occurrence is in the fallopian tube. It can also happen in the cervix, or in any organ in the pelvic region. In the initial stages the woman experiences only the normal early symptoms. But when the egg grows bigger you start experiencing the other various symptoms.
What Are The Symptoms?
You must know that the fetus can be nurtured only in the womb. Therefore in most cases, the body rejects this abnormal pregnancy by spontaneous miscarriage. When this does not happen, medical intervention is required. Check out for any sign of ectopic pregnancy.
Abdominal pain is one of the first symptoms. This pain can be constant and severe and its onset, sudden. This happens when the egg grows in size.Shoulder pain, which intensifies while breathing is an alternative symptom.Pain during visits to the bathroom.Vaginal bleeding different from normal periods.Diarrhea, paleness, lightheadedness, collapsing.Increasing pulse rate, falling blood pressure.
If you suspect an ectopic pregnancy, rush to your doctor for immediate help. Your doctor will confirm it through internal examination or an ultrasound.
What Are The Reasons?
As explained earlier, the fertilized egg implants itself outside the womb and starts developing there. If it occurs in the fallopian tubes, it can cause bursting or damage of the tubes. Bursting of the tube is a life-threatening situation. Risk of such pregnancy increases with following factors.
Already damaged fallopian tube(s) due infections such as pelvic inflammatory disease or by previous surgery, scar tissue.Previous ectopic pregnancies.Getting pregnant when on contraceptive-coil or certain types of contraceptive pill. Pregnancies through test tube methods. Even though fertilized egg is placed directly in the uterus it can attach itself elsewhere.
What Are The Treatments?
If you are lucky with a natural miscarriage, that is great. If you are not so, medication and or surgical intervention are the only solutions. With present day technologies, it is much easier to detect and treat this condition. However methods are not available to transplant the egg from the wrong position to the uterus. The doctor can only get rid of the wrongly positioned egg from your body.
We advise you to do your homework too. Read and understand more on all issues related, to avoid panic. It is more beneficial if you do this as you plan for pregnancy.
An abnormal pregnancy period like this followed by surgical intervention can be devastating for a mother-to-be. But the reassuring fact is that most women go on to have normal pregnancies when they attempt later. It is advisable to give a gap of few cycles before getting pregnant again. Let it not happen to you. But be prepared if you find yourself with an ectopic pregnancy. []Ectopic pregnancy is a big risk to your life. On getting pregnant look out for the symptoms of early []pregnancy. Be knowledgeable about the []signs of ectopic pregnancy. If you fear that you have an ectopic pregnancy, consult a doctor at once.
Article Source:
Pregnancy In The Stone Age - Can We Learn Something?
Pregnancy In The Stone Age - Can We Learn Something?By []Philip Goscienski
The woman who became pregnant during the Stone Age faced huge risks compared with today's mother-to-be. There was no way to control bleeding or infection; Caesarean section was not an option. That we survived as a species seems remarkable - until you dig a little deeper.
The outcome of pregnancy depends on the underlying health of the mother, nutrition before and during pregnancy and the threat of infection. In all those areas the woman of 50,000 years ago was better off than her counterpart today. How is that possible in an age when there was no plumbing, no medical care and no protection from infectious diseases?
Better diet, better pregnancy
The primitive woman's diet was less likely to be deficient in important nutrients than that of today's young girls. (Ref 1) A study from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center has confirmed earlier reports that adolescent and adult pregnant women take in too little iron, zinc, folate and vitamin E.
A woman who begins pregnancy without sufficient calcium, vitamin D and other bone-building nutrients increases her risk of developing osteoporosis in middle age. But that's not the end of the story. Her infant may also be at greater risk of fracture in the future. Osteoporosis of middle age is at least partly programmed before birth, especially if the mother smokes and has little physical activity. (Ref 2, 3, 4)
Most laypersons believe that Stone Agers were hearty meat-eaters. Anthropologists know that isn't so. They lived on a predominantly meat diet for only about 100,000 years, from the time that Homo sapiens developed keen hunting skills until the advent of farming. Before that time meat came from carrion and small game. The bulk of their calories came from vegetables, fruit, roots and nuts.
Plant foods contain everything that a pregnant woman needs, including vitamins, antioxidants, protein and minerals. Modern vegetarians often become deficient in vitamin B12 but small game, birds' eggs and the deliberate or accidental inclusion of insects in the Stone Age diet provided more than enough of that critical nutrient.
Folic acid deficiency in early pregnancy leads to defective formation of the infant's brain and spinal cord. Those abnormalities are much less likely among the babies of mothers who receive an adequate amount of folate, at least 400 micrograms per day. So few women eat enough green leafy vegetables to boost their folate levels, the U.S. government requires that manufacturers of baked goods add it to their products.
Obstetricians have been prescribing multivitamins for their pregnant patients for decades but it is only in recent years that studies confirmed the wisdom of that practice. In 2002 the American Medical Association reversed a position of long standing and recommended that everyone, with no exceptions, needs a multivitamin/multimineral preparation every day in order to avoid subtle but health-damaging inadequacies of these nutrients. Taking a multivitamin reduces the risk of congenital defects of the newborn, especially those that involve the heart. Preeclampsia is a serious, sometimes fatal complication of pregnancy. Women whose intake of vitamins C and E is low have a threefold greater risk of that condition. (Ref. 5, 6)
Would these mostly vegetarian early Stone Agers have become iron-deficient? Not likely. Their diet was rich in iron as well as in Vitamin C that facilitates iron absorption. Under those conditions iron deficiency would have been rare. Cereal grains interfere with iron absorption, which explains why iron-deficiency is common in societies that subsist primarily on grains. However, one of the main reasons why Stone Age women were unlikely to be iron deficient is that they didn't have nearly as many menstrual cycles as modern women do.
In a primitive society the onset of menses is about 5 years later than that of American young women. Modern hunter-gatherers, like the oldest Stone Agers, are either pregnant or nursing during most of their childbearing years and they only menstruate a few times between weaning one child and conceiving another. In those groups breastfeeding does suppress ovulation because it is literally on demand, i.e., every few minutes, even throughout the night. For a modern breastfeeding mother, on demand often means no more frequently than every couple of hours and perhaps once or twice a night after the third or fourth month. Thus menses return in spite of nursing and monthly blood loss continues.
The fish-brain connection
Beginning about 150,000 years ago our ancestors discovered seafood. The increased intake of fatty acids in fish and shellfish initiated the great advance in brain size and complexity that allowed humans to progress more quickly in the next 100,000 years than they had in the preceding million. Enormous gains in toolmaking and the development of language and group communication followed.
The human brain is composed mostly of water but the solid portion is mostly fat. The body can't manufacture the omega-3 and omega-6 fats that make up so much of the structure of the brain and eye so we need them in our diet. Maternal deficiency of these nutrients, especially omega-3s, prevents the newborn brain and eyes from reaching their full potential. The best source of omega-3 fats is fish; nuts and leafy green vegetables are also good sources.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are found in every cell of the body. They allow efficient flow of nutrients, regulate nerve impulses and keep inflammation in the right balance. In a proper diet there is an equal amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. That allows the immune system to fight infection, a real threat that humans faced from the Stone Age until the age of antibiotics, a mere 70 years ago.
The advantage to the baby of a diet that is rich in omega-3 fats is obvious but mothers need it, too. Nature protects the unborn infant by tapping into the mother's stores of omega-3 fats. A woman whose intake of omega-3 fatty acids is low during the months and years preceding pregnancy will develop a deficiency of her own. This becomes worse with succeeding pregnancies if her intake of omega-3s remains low. Postpartum depression affects about 10 percent of women following delivery and it is associated with a deficiency of omega-3 fats. (Ref 7, 8)
The newest epidemic
There is one complication of pregnancy that never occurred in the Stone Age: type 2 diabetes. No disease in modern times has risen so fast. It has increased several-fold since the 1950s; between 1990 and 2001 it rose by 61 percent. Gestational diabetics (Ref. 9) are those who do not yet have the full-blown disease but they cannot process blood sugar (glucose) properly during pregnancy. About half of them will develop frank diabetes in the years following delivery of their infant.
Most of us know type 2 diabetes, which was once referred to as adult-onset diabetes, as the disease that our grandparents developed in their later years. It's no longer uncommon to find it in adolescents, even in grade-schoolers. As it has dipped into the younger generation it has alarmed - but not surprised - physicians to find that it is no longer a rarity in obstetric practice.
How can we be so certain that the pregnant Stone Ager didn't have diabetes? This is a lifestyle disease that has three major associations: a low level of physical activity, a diet that is high in refined grains and sugars, and obesity. Those conditions simply didn't occur during the Stone Age. Their lifestyle demanded strenuous effort. Grains of any sort were not part of their diet because they require tools and controlled heat. Sugar as we know it simply didn't exist and honey was an occasional lucky find. Obesity would have been non-existent, as it is today among the planet's dwindling populations of hunter-gatherers.
Diabetic mothers have more complications of pregnancy than normal women do. Their babies are 5 times as likely to die and are 3 times as likely to be born with abnormalities of various organs.
They kept germs at bay
Common wisdom states that Stone Age people were an infection-ridden lot but that simply isn't true. They had powerful immune systems because of high levels of physical activity and a remarkably varied diet. Between the protective antibodies that a mother passed across the placenta and those that she conferred on her newborn via breastmilk, Stone Age babies had more protection against the germs of the day than modern infants do.
Sexually transmitted diseases don't spread very far or very fast when people live in small isolated bands as they did during the Stone Age. The likelihood that today's pregnant female will have at least one of these infections is more than 50 percent (Ref. 10). The impact on babies can be severe; some die, some will be brain-damaged.
Choice and consequences
Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs have produced a generation of infants with problems that Stone Age babies never faced. Mothers who smoke have infants that are smaller than the norm and whose brain development may be compromised. Alcohol or cocaine use by the mother during pregnancy results in stunted growth, congenital defects and other severe problems.
Given a choice, none of us would want to live in a Stone Age world but we have neutralized the almost miraculous medical advances of the last century. We have allowed our daughters to be less physically active and to subsist on a marginal diet. If we could reverse those two factors alone there would be a dramatic decline in prematurity and other complications of pregnancy.The lessons that we can learn from the Stone Age are not subtle, obscure or beyond our capacity to imitate them. We can produce the healthiest generation ever by making better choices for our children and for ourselves.
Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. is the author of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Better Life Publishers 2005. Contact him via his web site at
1. Giddens JB et al., Pregnant adolescent and adult women have similarly low intakes of selected nutrients, J Am Diet Assoc 2000;100:1334-1340
2 Cooper C et al., Review: developmental origins of osteoporotic fracture, Osteoporosis Int 2006; 17(3):337-47
3 Prentice A et al., Nutrition and bone growth and development, Proc Nutr Soc 2006 Nov;65(4):348-60
4 Lanham SA et al., Intrauterine programming of bone. Part I: alteration of the osteogenic environment, Osteoporos Int 2008 Feb;19(2):147-56
5 Keen CL et al., The Plausibility of Micronutrient Deficiencies Being a Significant Contributing Factor to the Occurrence of Pregnancy Complications, Am Soc Nutr Sciences J Nutr 2003 May;133:1597S-1605S
6 Bodnar LM et al., Periconceptional multivitamin use reduces the risk of preeclampsia, Am J Epidemiol 2006 Sep 1;164(5):470-7
7 Freeman MP, Omega-3 fatty acids and perinatal depression: a review of the literature and recommendations for future research, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2006 Oct-Nov;75(4-5):291-7
8 Kendall-Tackett K, A new paradigm for depression in new mothers: the central role of inflammation and how breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments protect maternal mental health, Int Breastfeed J 2007;2:6
9 Greene MF and Solomon CG, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Time to Treat, N Engl J Med 2005 June 16; 352(24):2544-46
10 Baseman JG and Koutsky LA, The epidemiology of human papillomavirus infections, J Clin Virol 2005 Mar;32 Supple 1:S16-24
Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. is known as The Stone Age Doc, author of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Better Life Publishers 2005 and scores of articles that show why the so-called diseases of aging, including osteoporosis, are avoidable with a few lifestyle changes that anyone can make without special potions or programs. Archived articles from his weekly newspaper column, The Stone Age Doc, cover topics that range from asthma to omega-fats and are available at A Press Room provides author bio and show prep information.
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The woman who became pregnant during the Stone Age faced huge risks compared with today's mother-to-be. There was no way to control bleeding or infection; Caesarean section was not an option. That we survived as a species seems remarkable - until you dig a little deeper.
The outcome of pregnancy depends on the underlying health of the mother, nutrition before and during pregnancy and the threat of infection. In all those areas the woman of 50,000 years ago was better off than her counterpart today. How is that possible in an age when there was no plumbing, no medical care and no protection from infectious diseases?
Better diet, better pregnancy
The primitive woman's diet was less likely to be deficient in important nutrients than that of today's young girls. (Ref 1) A study from the University of Cincinnati Medical Center has confirmed earlier reports that adolescent and adult pregnant women take in too little iron, zinc, folate and vitamin E.
A woman who begins pregnancy without sufficient calcium, vitamin D and other bone-building nutrients increases her risk of developing osteoporosis in middle age. But that's not the end of the story. Her infant may also be at greater risk of fracture in the future. Osteoporosis of middle age is at least partly programmed before birth, especially if the mother smokes and has little physical activity. (Ref 2, 3, 4)
Most laypersons believe that Stone Agers were hearty meat-eaters. Anthropologists know that isn't so. They lived on a predominantly meat diet for only about 100,000 years, from the time that Homo sapiens developed keen hunting skills until the advent of farming. Before that time meat came from carrion and small game. The bulk of their calories came from vegetables, fruit, roots and nuts.
Plant foods contain everything that a pregnant woman needs, including vitamins, antioxidants, protein and minerals. Modern vegetarians often become deficient in vitamin B12 but small game, birds' eggs and the deliberate or accidental inclusion of insects in the Stone Age diet provided more than enough of that critical nutrient.
Folic acid deficiency in early pregnancy leads to defective formation of the infant's brain and spinal cord. Those abnormalities are much less likely among the babies of mothers who receive an adequate amount of folate, at least 400 micrograms per day. So few women eat enough green leafy vegetables to boost their folate levels, the U.S. government requires that manufacturers of baked goods add it to their products.
Obstetricians have been prescribing multivitamins for their pregnant patients for decades but it is only in recent years that studies confirmed the wisdom of that practice. In 2002 the American Medical Association reversed a position of long standing and recommended that everyone, with no exceptions, needs a multivitamin/multimineral preparation every day in order to avoid subtle but health-damaging inadequacies of these nutrients. Taking a multivitamin reduces the risk of congenital defects of the newborn, especially those that involve the heart. Preeclampsia is a serious, sometimes fatal complication of pregnancy. Women whose intake of vitamins C and E is low have a threefold greater risk of that condition. (Ref. 5, 6)
Would these mostly vegetarian early Stone Agers have become iron-deficient? Not likely. Their diet was rich in iron as well as in Vitamin C that facilitates iron absorption. Under those conditions iron deficiency would have been rare. Cereal grains interfere with iron absorption, which explains why iron-deficiency is common in societies that subsist primarily on grains. However, one of the main reasons why Stone Age women were unlikely to be iron deficient is that they didn't have nearly as many menstrual cycles as modern women do.
In a primitive society the onset of menses is about 5 years later than that of American young women. Modern hunter-gatherers, like the oldest Stone Agers, are either pregnant or nursing during most of their childbearing years and they only menstruate a few times between weaning one child and conceiving another. In those groups breastfeeding does suppress ovulation because it is literally on demand, i.e., every few minutes, even throughout the night. For a modern breastfeeding mother, on demand often means no more frequently than every couple of hours and perhaps once or twice a night after the third or fourth month. Thus menses return in spite of nursing and monthly blood loss continues.
The fish-brain connection
Beginning about 150,000 years ago our ancestors discovered seafood. The increased intake of fatty acids in fish and shellfish initiated the great advance in brain size and complexity that allowed humans to progress more quickly in the next 100,000 years than they had in the preceding million. Enormous gains in toolmaking and the development of language and group communication followed.
The human brain is composed mostly of water but the solid portion is mostly fat. The body can't manufacture the omega-3 and omega-6 fats that make up so much of the structure of the brain and eye so we need them in our diet. Maternal deficiency of these nutrients, especially omega-3s, prevents the newborn brain and eyes from reaching their full potential. The best source of omega-3 fats is fish; nuts and leafy green vegetables are also good sources.
Omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids are found in every cell of the body. They allow efficient flow of nutrients, regulate nerve impulses and keep inflammation in the right balance. In a proper diet there is an equal amount of omega-3 and omega-6 fats. That allows the immune system to fight infection, a real threat that humans faced from the Stone Age until the age of antibiotics, a mere 70 years ago.
The advantage to the baby of a diet that is rich in omega-3 fats is obvious but mothers need it, too. Nature protects the unborn infant by tapping into the mother's stores of omega-3 fats. A woman whose intake of omega-3 fatty acids is low during the months and years preceding pregnancy will develop a deficiency of her own. This becomes worse with succeeding pregnancies if her intake of omega-3s remains low. Postpartum depression affects about 10 percent of women following delivery and it is associated with a deficiency of omega-3 fats. (Ref 7, 8)
The newest epidemic
There is one complication of pregnancy that never occurred in the Stone Age: type 2 diabetes. No disease in modern times has risen so fast. It has increased several-fold since the 1950s; between 1990 and 2001 it rose by 61 percent. Gestational diabetics (Ref. 9) are those who do not yet have the full-blown disease but they cannot process blood sugar (glucose) properly during pregnancy. About half of them will develop frank diabetes in the years following delivery of their infant.
Most of us know type 2 diabetes, which was once referred to as adult-onset diabetes, as the disease that our grandparents developed in their later years. It's no longer uncommon to find it in adolescents, even in grade-schoolers. As it has dipped into the younger generation it has alarmed - but not surprised - physicians to find that it is no longer a rarity in obstetric practice.
How can we be so certain that the pregnant Stone Ager didn't have diabetes? This is a lifestyle disease that has three major associations: a low level of physical activity, a diet that is high in refined grains and sugars, and obesity. Those conditions simply didn't occur during the Stone Age. Their lifestyle demanded strenuous effort. Grains of any sort were not part of their diet because they require tools and controlled heat. Sugar as we know it simply didn't exist and honey was an occasional lucky find. Obesity would have been non-existent, as it is today among the planet's dwindling populations of hunter-gatherers.
Diabetic mothers have more complications of pregnancy than normal women do. Their babies are 5 times as likely to die and are 3 times as likely to be born with abnormalities of various organs.
They kept germs at bay
Common wisdom states that Stone Age people were an infection-ridden lot but that simply isn't true. They had powerful immune systems because of high levels of physical activity and a remarkably varied diet. Between the protective antibodies that a mother passed across the placenta and those that she conferred on her newborn via breastmilk, Stone Age babies had more protection against the germs of the day than modern infants do.
Sexually transmitted diseases don't spread very far or very fast when people live in small isolated bands as they did during the Stone Age. The likelihood that today's pregnant female will have at least one of these infections is more than 50 percent (Ref. 10). The impact on babies can be severe; some die, some will be brain-damaged.
Choice and consequences
Tobacco, alcohol and illicit drugs have produced a generation of infants with problems that Stone Age babies never faced. Mothers who smoke have infants that are smaller than the norm and whose brain development may be compromised. Alcohol or cocaine use by the mother during pregnancy results in stunted growth, congenital defects and other severe problems.
Given a choice, none of us would want to live in a Stone Age world but we have neutralized the almost miraculous medical advances of the last century. We have allowed our daughters to be less physically active and to subsist on a marginal diet. If we could reverse those two factors alone there would be a dramatic decline in prematurity and other complications of pregnancy.The lessons that we can learn from the Stone Age are not subtle, obscure or beyond our capacity to imitate them. We can produce the healthiest generation ever by making better choices for our children and for ourselves.
Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. is the author of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Better Life Publishers 2005. Contact him via his web site at
1. Giddens JB et al., Pregnant adolescent and adult women have similarly low intakes of selected nutrients, J Am Diet Assoc 2000;100:1334-1340
2 Cooper C et al., Review: developmental origins of osteoporotic fracture, Osteoporosis Int 2006; 17(3):337-47
3 Prentice A et al., Nutrition and bone growth and development, Proc Nutr Soc 2006 Nov;65(4):348-60
4 Lanham SA et al., Intrauterine programming of bone. Part I: alteration of the osteogenic environment, Osteoporos Int 2008 Feb;19(2):147-56
5 Keen CL et al., The Plausibility of Micronutrient Deficiencies Being a Significant Contributing Factor to the Occurrence of Pregnancy Complications, Am Soc Nutr Sciences J Nutr 2003 May;133:1597S-1605S
6 Bodnar LM et al., Periconceptional multivitamin use reduces the risk of preeclampsia, Am J Epidemiol 2006 Sep 1;164(5):470-7
7 Freeman MP, Omega-3 fatty acids and perinatal depression: a review of the literature and recommendations for future research, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 2006 Oct-Nov;75(4-5):291-7
8 Kendall-Tackett K, A new paradigm for depression in new mothers: the central role of inflammation and how breastfeeding and anti-inflammatory treatments protect maternal mental health, Int Breastfeed J 2007;2:6
9 Greene MF and Solomon CG, Gestational Diabetes Mellitus - Time to Treat, N Engl J Med 2005 June 16; 352(24):2544-46
10 Baseman JG and Koutsky LA, The epidemiology of human papillomavirus infections, J Clin Virol 2005 Mar;32 Supple 1:S16-24
Philip J. Goscienski, M.D. is known as The Stone Age Doc, author of Health Secrets of the Stone Age, Better Life Publishers 2005 and scores of articles that show why the so-called diseases of aging, including osteoporosis, are avoidable with a few lifestyle changes that anyone can make without special potions or programs. Archived articles from his weekly newspaper column, The Stone Age Doc, cover topics that range from asthma to omega-fats and are available at A Press Room provides author bio and show prep information.
Article Source:
Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy Weight
Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy WeightBy []Gerry Restrivera
Losing weight is sometimes the hardest battle for most women especially those who went through pregnancy. We are in the society that looks definitely matters and women feel bad about their appearance if they have weight issues. If you are dealing with weight issues after giving birth, there are things that you can do to lose your pregnancy weight and feel good about yourself.
Getting rid of excess weight after pregnancy is a big challenge if you do not know what to do. Here are some tips to lose your pregnancy weight:
Get your doctor's advice. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight, you must first consult your doctor to make sure you are on the best health and it is safe for you to engage in whatever weight loss program and regimens you want to take. Your body went through a lot of changes during pregnancy and giving birth so make sure that you are already healed before trying to lose your pregnancy weight.
Self discipline and commitment. If you are not committed and do not have self discipline, losing weight could be really difficult. There are those who failed to return to their pre-pregnancy weight because they lack commitment and dedication on their goals. Their babies are already walking and yet they still have the fat bellies and love handles they acquired during pregnancy. If you are not successful losing weight after six months of giving birth, you might face a problem of being obese. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight, stay committed and practice discipline.
Give careful attention to your diet. Eat healthy foods, cut down on calories and avoid fast foods and junk foods. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meat like lean cuts of beef and chicken. Do not indulge in large meals, just eat what you need and stop when you are already full. You can also ask advice from nutrition experts on what is the best diet plan for you. Diet plays a very important role about your weight and you have to watch what you eat to lose your pregnancy weight.
Get active. You also have to get active and start to exercise to lose your pregnancy weight. You can start with light physical activities to keep you active and help you burn fats. Always know your limitations and listen to your body. Do not push yourself too hard and do not engage on physical activities that will make you feel tired and exhausted. Light exercises, walking, swimming and yoga are some activities that will keep you active.
Give yourself time. You need patience if you want to lose your pregnancy weight. There are people who get impatient and start to have negative attitude that nothing is going to happen with their effort in losing weight. Hey, it took nine months for you to get that excess pounds due to pregnancy and of course it will also take time to get rid of it so do not get discouraged if you are losing weight slowly. Continue and stay on the course of losing weight and you will get back in shape again.
Getting back in shape after giving birth could be really challenging but it is not impossible. You will feel good and healthier if you will lose your pregnancy weight. If you still find it hard to succeed in losing weight, discover the step-by-step guide to get back into your pre-pregnancy weight visit []Slim Mom Secrets
To know more about women visit []All About Women
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy Weight. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
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Losing weight is sometimes the hardest battle for most women especially those who went through pregnancy. We are in the society that looks definitely matters and women feel bad about their appearance if they have weight issues. If you are dealing with weight issues after giving birth, there are things that you can do to lose your pregnancy weight and feel good about yourself.
Getting rid of excess weight after pregnancy is a big challenge if you do not know what to do. Here are some tips to lose your pregnancy weight:
Get your doctor's advice. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight, you must first consult your doctor to make sure you are on the best health and it is safe for you to engage in whatever weight loss program and regimens you want to take. Your body went through a lot of changes during pregnancy and giving birth so make sure that you are already healed before trying to lose your pregnancy weight.
Self discipline and commitment. If you are not committed and do not have self discipline, losing weight could be really difficult. There are those who failed to return to their pre-pregnancy weight because they lack commitment and dedication on their goals. Their babies are already walking and yet they still have the fat bellies and love handles they acquired during pregnancy. If you are not successful losing weight after six months of giving birth, you might face a problem of being obese. If you want to lose your pregnancy weight, stay committed and practice discipline.
Give careful attention to your diet. Eat healthy foods, cut down on calories and avoid fast foods and junk foods. Eat more fresh fruits, vegetables and lean meat like lean cuts of beef and chicken. Do not indulge in large meals, just eat what you need and stop when you are already full. You can also ask advice from nutrition experts on what is the best diet plan for you. Diet plays a very important role about your weight and you have to watch what you eat to lose your pregnancy weight.
Get active. You also have to get active and start to exercise to lose your pregnancy weight. You can start with light physical activities to keep you active and help you burn fats. Always know your limitations and listen to your body. Do not push yourself too hard and do not engage on physical activities that will make you feel tired and exhausted. Light exercises, walking, swimming and yoga are some activities that will keep you active.
Give yourself time. You need patience if you want to lose your pregnancy weight. There are people who get impatient and start to have negative attitude that nothing is going to happen with their effort in losing weight. Hey, it took nine months for you to get that excess pounds due to pregnancy and of course it will also take time to get rid of it so do not get discouraged if you are losing weight slowly. Continue and stay on the course of losing weight and you will get back in shape again.
Getting back in shape after giving birth could be really challenging but it is not impossible. You will feel good and healthier if you will lose your pregnancy weight. If you still find it hard to succeed in losing weight, discover the step-by-step guide to get back into your pre-pregnancy weight visit []Slim Mom Secrets
To know more about women visit []All About Women
Gerry Restrivera writes informative articles on various subjects including Helpful Tips to Lose Your Pregnancy Weight. You are allowed to publish this article in its entirety provided that author's name, bio and website links must remain intact and included with every reproduction.
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Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Morning Sickness : Causes and Cures
Morning sickness is often the first sign of pregnancy, as it can start as early as 2 weeks after conception. Despite the name, the sufferer can feel ill at any time of the day, although as an empty stomach is thought to be one of the triggers then mornings are a common time for it to appear.
Not every pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, although most do to some degree, and it can vary from a feeling of mild nausea or queasiness ranging up to feeling truly dreadful and unable to keep any food or liquids down. The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness.
It's not known exactly what causes it, but most doctors agree that the changes in hormone levels that pregnancy triggers are the most major factor. One of the effects of these hormones is to change the way your digestive system works, which can lead to higher levels of acid.
Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.
Finally, tiredness and stress play a part, and most pregnant women are tired and stressed a lot of the time!
Morning sickness can occur over the full range of your pregnancy, but most women find that it more or less disappears by around 14 weeks as hormone levels in the body stabilise.
There are dozens and dozens of traditional 'cures' for the feelings of nausea, with every mother having an opinion on the subject! The fact is that every woman's body is different and so no single thing will work for everyone. However, there are some simple things to try which can help most feel better.
As previously mentioned, an empty stomach can be a cause, so snack little and often to keep hunger at bay, and keep a couple of biscuits by your bed for if you wake up during the night.
Sucking on an ice cube can help, as can fizzy drinks. Fresh ginger is reputed to calm the stomach, so making a tea from crushed root ginger or even chewing on a piece can be worth a try.
Remedies for travel sickness can also help, so it might be worth trying the magnetic wristbands you can buy, but you should never take any medication while pregnant without consulting your doctor.
Morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy and will not harm your baby in any way, but in severe cases you may be unable to keep any food or fluids down and if this continues you could become dehydrated, which is very dangerous for your baby. If your urine starts to become very dark in colour this is a sign that your fluid levels are too low, and you should speak to your midwife or doctor.
Finally, when you're in a bout of morning sickness, don't worry too much about what you're eating - getting enough energy is more important than a balanced diet at that moment, so if chocolate makes you feel better then go for it! You can always stock up on healthier foods when the sickness has abated a little.
Not every pregnant woman will experience morning sickness, although most do to some degree, and it can vary from a feeling of mild nausea or queasiness ranging up to feeling truly dreadful and unable to keep any food or liquids down. The severity of the effects seems to be greatest in women with a history of migraine or travel sickness.
It's not known exactly what causes it, but most doctors agree that the changes in hormone levels that pregnancy triggers are the most major factor. One of the effects of these hormones is to change the way your digestive system works, which can lead to higher levels of acid.
Another possible cause is that many women experience a heightened sense of taste and smell while pregnant, which can make nausea feel worse when unpleasant or strong odours are around.
Finally, tiredness and stress play a part, and most pregnant women are tired and stressed a lot of the time!
Morning sickness can occur over the full range of your pregnancy, but most women find that it more or less disappears by around 14 weeks as hormone levels in the body stabilise.
There are dozens and dozens of traditional 'cures' for the feelings of nausea, with every mother having an opinion on the subject! The fact is that every woman's body is different and so no single thing will work for everyone. However, there are some simple things to try which can help most feel better.
As previously mentioned, an empty stomach can be a cause, so snack little and often to keep hunger at bay, and keep a couple of biscuits by your bed for if you wake up during the night.
Sucking on an ice cube can help, as can fizzy drinks. Fresh ginger is reputed to calm the stomach, so making a tea from crushed root ginger or even chewing on a piece can be worth a try.
Remedies for travel sickness can also help, so it might be worth trying the magnetic wristbands you can buy, but you should never take any medication while pregnant without consulting your doctor.
Morning sickness is a natural part of pregnancy and will not harm your baby in any way, but in severe cases you may be unable to keep any food or fluids down and if this continues you could become dehydrated, which is very dangerous for your baby. If your urine starts to become very dark in colour this is a sign that your fluid levels are too low, and you should speak to your midwife or doctor.
Finally, when you're in a bout of morning sickness, don't worry too much about what you're eating - getting enough energy is more important than a balanced diet at that moment, so if chocolate makes you feel better then go for it! You can always stock up on healthier foods when the sickness has abated a little.
Pregnancy Chat Rooms – Where Experience Meets Apprentice
If you are pregnant for the first time, bless you! You are probably tired, sore for no reason, and questioning the usefulness of your husband. You quite possibly are starving all the time, sick when you eat, and betting that God is indeed male and laughing at your pain. If you are with child and looking for answers to life’s little questions about childbearing and life after baby, pregnancy chat rooms are the perfect place to meet other women that are in your shoes and those that hold the answers.
Pregnancy chat rooms are available all over the internet. They are places where women meet to speak candidly about what happens to your body and mind during pregnancy. Some of them may even have men that want to learn more about their wives’ condition…but don’t bet on it! At this point, men tend to be more intent on running from pregnant women than learning from them, but we can all hope!
Common issues that women are faced with during pregnancy are fatigue, hunger, and morning/all day/every second sickness. Often times, these issues are not things your doctor can really answer, as they are not medical in nature. However, women that have experienced being pregnant often know those tips and tricks to help make it through the day and, God willing, the pregnancy.
To find pregnancy chat rooms, you can check with several of the major chat arenas, such as AOL or Yahoo. However, there are many other private chat rooms available in other sites you may not know about. In fact, many motherhood, pregnancy, and parenting websites have chat sections that you would otherwise never be aware of unless you looked. Many of these pregnancy chat rooms can be very useful also.
As with any other chat room, you want to be careful not to talk to any crazies. The possibility always exists that someone could be out there that is a predator. Refrain from giving personal information out to anyone unless you are really comfortable with them and convinced they are sane…or at least not insane enough to be dangerous. If you only talk to completely sane people in pregnancy chat rooms, it may be a pretty quiet conversation, as pregnancy makes everyone a little crazy.
Once you have an opportunity to talk to other women that are going through the same thing you are, you will begin to feel a little better. Even if they can not tell you how to fix it, just knowing someone else out there has swollen feet, too, provides a little bit of comfort.
Pregnancy chat rooms are available all over the internet. They are places where women meet to speak candidly about what happens to your body and mind during pregnancy. Some of them may even have men that want to learn more about their wives’ condition…but don’t bet on it! At this point, men tend to be more intent on running from pregnant women than learning from them, but we can all hope!
Common issues that women are faced with during pregnancy are fatigue, hunger, and morning/all day/every second sickness. Often times, these issues are not things your doctor can really answer, as they are not medical in nature. However, women that have experienced being pregnant often know those tips and tricks to help make it through the day and, God willing, the pregnancy.
To find pregnancy chat rooms, you can check with several of the major chat arenas, such as AOL or Yahoo. However, there are many other private chat rooms available in other sites you may not know about. In fact, many motherhood, pregnancy, and parenting websites have chat sections that you would otherwise never be aware of unless you looked. Many of these pregnancy chat rooms can be very useful also.
As with any other chat room, you want to be careful not to talk to any crazies. The possibility always exists that someone could be out there that is a predator. Refrain from giving personal information out to anyone unless you are really comfortable with them and convinced they are sane…or at least not insane enough to be dangerous. If you only talk to completely sane people in pregnancy chat rooms, it may be a pretty quiet conversation, as pregnancy makes everyone a little crazy.
Once you have an opportunity to talk to other women that are going through the same thing you are, you will begin to feel a little better. Even if they can not tell you how to fix it, just knowing someone else out there has swollen feet, too, provides a little bit of comfort.
Pain Relief During Childbirth
Giving birth is rightly regarded as an extremely uncomfortable and painful experience for many mothers, and while for some women labor goes quickly and relatively easily, for others it can turn into a real ordeal. Where our grandmothers had to go through the pain barrier more or less unaided, there are quite a few options available for todays pregnant women that can lessen or even completely remove the pain, allowing the joyfulness of giving birth a much greater chance to be appreciated.
- Birthing Pool
Being in water during the early stages of labor can greatly relieve the contraction pains in some women, as the bouyancy takes some of the pressure off the muscles of the lower back. Some women prefer to stay in the water right through to the later stages of labor, and some even choose to complete the birth in a birthing pool.
Birthing pools have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are seen as a natural way of reducing pain, in line with today's widespread preference for keeping things simple and as close to nature as possible.
A TENS machine is a small electronic device which you attach to your lower back with electrode pads. The machine passes a very slight electric current through the pads, which is intended to interfere with the pain signals, reducing the extent of the discomfort. The level of current can usually be increased during contractions, and then lowered back down as the pain subsides again. Some women find TENS machines to be highly effective, while for others the effect is minimal. The devices can usually be hired from the hospital, but are relatively cheap to buy yourself if you want to be sure that one will be available.
- Gas and Air
This is also known as entonox, and is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen that is breathed in via a pipe whenever the mother-to-be feels the need. It is a very light method of pain relief, and is enough on it's own for some women, especially in straightforward births. The effect is more of a distraction from the pain than an actual reduction, but doesn't feature the drawbacks of the two more heavy-duty pain relief drugs below.
- Epidural
An epidural is an injection of pain relief drugs direct into the lumbar region, and is extremely effective at blocking pain. The initial injection must be performed by a doctor, although the drug levels can then be subsequently topped up by the midwife for as long as it is required. Early epidurals also interfered with movement, and so the entire birth had to be carried out lying down, but more advanced versions of the drugs used now allow the mother to walk around a little to relieve discomfort.
- Pethidine
This is the strongest pain relief option available in most cases, and is extremely effective in stopping pain over a 3 to 4 hour period. Unlike an epidural, it can't be used indefinitely, and only two doses are usually allowed, meaning it is less than ideal for labors lasting longer than 8 hours or so. The drug can also pass through to the infant, in some cases delaying the start of breathing. Antidotes are, however, available should this occur.
Although the choice of which method of pain relief to use is usually left up to the mother, most midwives recommend starting with the less invasive choices such as TENS and gas and air, only moving up to drug treatments if necessary later on.
- Birthing Pool
Being in water during the early stages of labor can greatly relieve the contraction pains in some women, as the bouyancy takes some of the pressure off the muscles of the lower back. Some women prefer to stay in the water right through to the later stages of labor, and some even choose to complete the birth in a birthing pool.
Birthing pools have become increasingly popular in recent years, as they are seen as a natural way of reducing pain, in line with today's widespread preference for keeping things simple and as close to nature as possible.
A TENS machine is a small electronic device which you attach to your lower back with electrode pads. The machine passes a very slight electric current through the pads, which is intended to interfere with the pain signals, reducing the extent of the discomfort. The level of current can usually be increased during contractions, and then lowered back down as the pain subsides again. Some women find TENS machines to be highly effective, while for others the effect is minimal. The devices can usually be hired from the hospital, but are relatively cheap to buy yourself if you want to be sure that one will be available.
- Gas and Air
This is also known as entonox, and is a mixture of nitrous oxide and oxygen that is breathed in via a pipe whenever the mother-to-be feels the need. It is a very light method of pain relief, and is enough on it's own for some women, especially in straightforward births. The effect is more of a distraction from the pain than an actual reduction, but doesn't feature the drawbacks of the two more heavy-duty pain relief drugs below.
- Epidural
An epidural is an injection of pain relief drugs direct into the lumbar region, and is extremely effective at blocking pain. The initial injection must be performed by a doctor, although the drug levels can then be subsequently topped up by the midwife for as long as it is required. Early epidurals also interfered with movement, and so the entire birth had to be carried out lying down, but more advanced versions of the drugs used now allow the mother to walk around a little to relieve discomfort.
- Pethidine
This is the strongest pain relief option available in most cases, and is extremely effective in stopping pain over a 3 to 4 hour period. Unlike an epidural, it can't be used indefinitely, and only two doses are usually allowed, meaning it is less than ideal for labors lasting longer than 8 hours or so. The drug can also pass through to the infant, in some cases delaying the start of breathing. Antidotes are, however, available should this occur.
Although the choice of which method of pain relief to use is usually left up to the mother, most midwives recommend starting with the less invasive choices such as TENS and gas and air, only moving up to drug treatments if necessary later on.
Monday, May 4, 2009
Preserving Health And Beauty In Pregnancy
Most women think that it's okay to stop exerting effort in looking beautiful during pregnancy but it's not. Pregnancy is a time when your hormones are in a rage. It is easy to be overwhelmed by new feelings, sensations, and changes in your body that make you feel not in control. Taking care of your pregnant self lets you be in control and preserve your health and beauty. It's not easy to look in a mirror with disheveled hair and dry, blotchy skin. It's also frustrating to try and fit yourself in your pre-pregnant outfits. Get rid of the idea that this is normal. What's normal is a pregnant woman embracing and enjoying her pregnancy by taking care of her body, her health and beauty.
Studies by the MRC/US Anxiety and Stress Disorders Research Unit show that babies born of happy mothers are healthier -- they are heavier, more active, and agreeable. They also absorb more nutrients from their first feedings which are essential for their nourishment. Happy mothers are also found to produce better-quality milk for their babies. Negative emotions increase the risk of developing post-pregnancy depression. This affects how a mother bonds and cares for her newborn. The best way to ward off this negativity is to preserve your health and beauty.
First, follow a healthy diet under the specifications of your doctor. Do not assume that the diet your other pregnant friend follows is right for you. Your health and beauty needs are unique. You may have deficiencies or skin care needs, which your friend's diet cannot address. Second, take supplements and vitamins according to your doctor's instructions. Never take drugs or any form of medicine without your doctor's approval. It may have adverse effects on your baby. Third, exercise lightly to avoid gaining excess weight. Expectant mothers normally gain 15-20 pounds; anything higher than that can give you a difficult delivery. Fourth, get adequate sleep and rest. Nothing is more stressful than sleepless nights because of hormones and restlessness. Make up for lost sleep during the day; your body tells you when it needs some shut-eye.
Of course, a pregnant woman's health and beauty are not limited to her physical needs. Her emotional and psychological well-being are just as important. You know that nothing boosts your confidence than being thought of and complimented as beautiful. You can easily get that goddess feeling again through modern maternity fashion. Take all those loose, tent-like dresses your mother-in-law lent you. Contemporary maternity designers are coming out with new designs that showcase your pregnant body rather than hiding it. Take advantage of your fuller cleavage and wear lower necklines. Show off your pregnant belly in stretch tops that hug your curves in solid colors. Avoid hiding in busy prints and opt for simple, understated accents and accessories. Change your hairstyle -- pregnancy is a perfect excuse to try the new pixie cut. Keep your posture straight and your feet pretty in fun flats and funky mules.
Health and beauty are essentials for a pregnant woman. Take care of yours to be better-equipped in caring for your baby. Treat your pregnancy as your time to shine with natural health and beauty. Staying healthy and beautiful during pregnancy is not only easy; it is the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby.
Studies by the MRC/US Anxiety and Stress Disorders Research Unit show that babies born of happy mothers are healthier -- they are heavier, more active, and agreeable. They also absorb more nutrients from their first feedings which are essential for their nourishment. Happy mothers are also found to produce better-quality milk for their babies. Negative emotions increase the risk of developing post-pregnancy depression. This affects how a mother bonds and cares for her newborn. The best way to ward off this negativity is to preserve your health and beauty.
First, follow a healthy diet under the specifications of your doctor. Do not assume that the diet your other pregnant friend follows is right for you. Your health and beauty needs are unique. You may have deficiencies or skin care needs, which your friend's diet cannot address. Second, take supplements and vitamins according to your doctor's instructions. Never take drugs or any form of medicine without your doctor's approval. It may have adverse effects on your baby. Third, exercise lightly to avoid gaining excess weight. Expectant mothers normally gain 15-20 pounds; anything higher than that can give you a difficult delivery. Fourth, get adequate sleep and rest. Nothing is more stressful than sleepless nights because of hormones and restlessness. Make up for lost sleep during the day; your body tells you when it needs some shut-eye.
Of course, a pregnant woman's health and beauty are not limited to her physical needs. Her emotional and psychological well-being are just as important. You know that nothing boosts your confidence than being thought of and complimented as beautiful. You can easily get that goddess feeling again through modern maternity fashion. Take all those loose, tent-like dresses your mother-in-law lent you. Contemporary maternity designers are coming out with new designs that showcase your pregnant body rather than hiding it. Take advantage of your fuller cleavage and wear lower necklines. Show off your pregnant belly in stretch tops that hug your curves in solid colors. Avoid hiding in busy prints and opt for simple, understated accents and accessories. Change your hairstyle -- pregnancy is a perfect excuse to try the new pixie cut. Keep your posture straight and your feet pretty in fun flats and funky mules.
Health and beauty are essentials for a pregnant woman. Take care of yours to be better-equipped in caring for your baby. Treat your pregnancy as your time to shine with natural health and beauty. Staying healthy and beautiful during pregnancy is not only easy; it is the best thing you can do for yourself and your baby.
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